Sugestion for sa-mp - next-studio|TheKiller - 08.07.2012
Hello all.
I have a small suggestion for sa-mp, i did not found a thread talking of this so:
Ipv6 support for sa-mp game servers.
It would be great to test up the new ip tech
Since nowadays, most of the datacenters provides ipv6 support, why can't we use it on sa-mp game servers?
Well, it's just my idea.
ps: Im bad making these threads, i know :-/
Re: Sugestion for sa-mp -
ReneG - 08.07.2012
There aren't 234,456,567,345,234,645,567,567,345,234 sa-mp players.
Re: Sugestion for sa-mp -
Warfish - 08.07.2012
Originally Posted by VincentDunn
There aren't 234,456,567,345,234,645,567,567,345,234 sa-mp players.
I don't think you understand the meanings of IPv6..
IPv6 is created because one day we will run out of IPv4 addresses and than me need all to use IPv6, it has nothing to do with how many players there are on a server.
Re: Sugestion for sa-mp - next-studio|TheKiller - 08.07.2012
Originally Posted by VincentDunn
There aren't 234,456,567,345,234,645,567,567,345,234 sa-mp players.
The ipv6 is the new generation of ip's, all computers already accept it, and it's already provided by some isp's(my isp already offers it, and my router accepts it without a problem).
The ipv4 already run out, that's why we have dynamic ip's and not fixed.
And the sa-mp servers does not accept ipv6 connections, already tried with some servers located on it, i can't do anything, because it just take the first 4 numbers, and when the ":" is "found" by the client, will count that like the port of the server.
Even with "[" "]"(which is used for the ipv6 connections) isn't working.
Re: Sugestion for sa-mp -
Makaveli93 - 09.07.2012
You can always use DNS