Talking Distance[UNSOLVED] - Printable Version
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Talking Distance[SOLVED] -
Roko_foko - 07.07.2012
What are usually distances from which player hears/sees normal talk, shout in RP servers?
Re: Talking Distance[UNSOLVED] -
coole210 - 07.07.2012
Search for ProxDetector or SendCloseMessage on these forums, It's exactly what you're looking for.
Re: Talking Distance[UNSOLVED] -
Steven82 - 07.07.2012
I am using "15.0". I don't know how realistic that is yet because I haven't fully tested, but I am probably going to lower that amount. Mainly because you don't want someone hearing some from FAR away. Like across the street unless they are "shouting" or "talking loud". But my /me's and stuff go a little bit more than "15.0".
For an accurate amount that you want, you're going to have to have someone help you test out distances that you're comfortable with.
Hope I helped