Timers - Printable Version
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Timers -
CoDeZ - 06.07.2012
Fast question , why at most of game modes , when a timer is created , you have to use Killtimer on gamemodeexit?
Wouldn't it already kill it self?
Explain it please.
Re: Timers -
.FuneraL. - 06.07.2012
pawn Код:
// Top of GM
new TimerKilling;
// Timer
TimerKilling = SetTimerEx(....);
// OnGameModeExit
To kill the timer, you have to define a variable.
Re: Timers -
CoDeZ - 06.07.2012
i know , the question is , why on gamemodeexit i have to kill it?
Re: Timers -
.FuneraL. - 06.07.2012
From what I read of his doubts OnGameModeExit you said, but you can kill him in any public.
Re: Timers -
[KHK]Khalid - 06.07.2012
Originally Posted by .FuneraL.
pawn Код:
// Top of GM
new TimerKilling;
// Timer
TimerKilling = SetTimerEx(....);
// OnGameModeExit
To kill the timer, you have to define a variable.
He's asking why not how!
@ Question: Yes, I think it gets killed already on exit. So you don't have to kill it OnGameModeExit (That's how all my codes go, I never had to kill a timer on exit).
Re: Timers -
LaGrande - 06.07.2012
if u are going to change a gamemode like /rcon changemode then if the timer isn't killed or stopped then it will be running. But i donot kill timers but yes if it is related to players like SetTimer used at OnPlayerConnect then i destroy or kill it at OnPlayerDisconnect.
That's what all i know