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How to show VIP saying None if player does not have vip please help - Printable Version

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How to show VIP saying None if player does not have vip please help - Euan Hughes - 06.07.2012

So i have this thing on /stats where it shows how many days you have left of vip but if your vip level is 0 and you do /stats it says you have 27 days.. how can i make it say none

pawn Код:
TotalVipTime = Player[id][VipExpiredTime] - gettime();

        if (TotalVipTime >= 86400)
            Days = TotalVipTime / 86400;
            TotalVipTime = TotalVipTime - (Days * 86400);//here it calculates the days
        if (TotalVipTime >= 3600)
            Hours = TotalVipTime / 3600;
            TotalVipTime = TotalVipTime - (Hours * 3600);//calculates the seconds
        if (TotalVipTime >= 60)
            Minutes = TotalVipTime / 60;
            TotalVipTime = TotalVipTime - (Minutes * 60);//calculates the minutes
If you need any more code just ask

Please help
