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MySQL admin system. Need Help! - Printable Version

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MySQL admin system. Need Help! - FOTIS6 - 06.07.2012

I have created a mysql register/login Script.
I also use it for Admins. But I have problems with admins commands.

new Text3D:adminonduty;
COMMAND:onduty(playerid, params[])
	mysql_query("SELECT name FROM playerdata WHERE level > 2");
		new string[128];
		format(string, sizeof(string), "Administrator %s is now onduty!", PlayerName(playerid));
		SendClientMessage(playerid, red, string);
		adminonduty = Create3DTextLabel("Administrator", lightgreen, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 40.0, 0);
		Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(adminonduty, playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7);
		SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 999999);

	else return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Error: You must be Administrator level 3 to use this command");
        return 1;
I want to use it for level 3. But all players can use it.
I hope you can help me.

Re: MySQL admin system. Need Help! - DBan - 06.07.2012

Why not make it easier for yourself?

Create an enum:
pawn Код:
enum playerdata
new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][playerdata];
Then set the level when the player connects (I created a stock in my script to do that)
pawn Код:
stock SetLevel(playerid)
    new query[200], level;
    format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT adminlevel FROM `playerdata` WHERE user ='%s'", GetName(playerid));
    level = mysql_fetch_int(); // This gets the adminlevel and sets it into the variable
    PlayerInfo[playerid][adminlevel] = level; // Set adminlevel to the level that was stored inside the variable
    return 1;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect
    return 1;
Then whenever you check if the player is high enough level:
pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][adminlevel] > 2)
    // Add code here...

Re: MySQL admin system. Need Help! - FOTIS6 - 06.07.2012

Thanks for it but it didn't worked

Re: MySQL admin system. Need Help! - DBan - 06.07.2012

Originally Posted by FOTIS6
Посмотреть сообщение
Thanks for it but it didn't worked
In what way did it not work? Are you getting errors, or?

Don't copy and paste. The MySQL query was from my script, you'll need to edit it as you will have different table names and columns.

Re: MySQL admin system. Need Help! - FOTIS6 - 06.07.2012

No errors. It didn't work in the server.
Chatlog: Error: You must be Administrator level 3 to use this command

Re: MySQL admin system. Need Help! - DBan - 06.07.2012

Edited my message ^^

You need to edit the mysql query according to your database.

Re: MySQL admin system. Need Help! - FOTIS6 - 06.07.2012

enum playerdata
new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][playerdata];

stock SetLevel(playerid)
    new query[200], level;
    format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT level FROM playerdata WHERE user ='%s'", PlayerName(playerid));
    level = mysql_fetch_int(); // This gets the adminlevel and sets it into the variable
    PlayerInfo[playerid][level] = level; // Set adminlevel to the level that was stored inside the variable
    return 1;
Didn't work
I edited it.

Re: MySQL admin system. Need Help! - DBan - 06.07.2012

Originally Posted by FOTIS6
Посмотреть сообщение
enum playerdata
new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][playerdata];

stock SetLevel(playerid)
    new query[200], level;
    format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT level FROM playerdata WHERE user ='%s'", PlayerName(playerid));
    level = mysql_fetch_int(); // This gets the adminlevel and sets it into the variable
    PlayerInfo[playerid][level] = level; // Set adminlevel to the level that was stored inside the variable
    return 1;
Didn't work
I edited it.
Are you sure your account is set to the correct level? It works perfectly on my server.

pawn Код:
COMMAND:onduty(playerid, params[])
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][adminlevel] > 2)
        new string[128];
        format(string, sizeof(string), "Administrator %s is now onduty!", GetName(playerid));
        SendClientMessage(playerid, CRED, string);
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 999999);
    else return SendClientMessage(playerid, CRED, "Error: You must be Administrator level 3 to use this command");
    return 1;
I removed the 3d text draws when I edited it, you can put it back in if you want.

Re: MySQL admin system. Need Help! - FOTIS6 - 06.07.2012

Yes. it is set to level 5

Re: MySQL admin system. Need Help! - DBan - 06.07.2012

Try the code I posted (edited my post)