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STRCAT - Printable Version

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STRCAT - Jake__ - 05.07.2012

Is it possible to format a string with strcat, like this:

new string1[128];
new string2[32] = "Hello";

strcat( string1, "%s", string2);

// do something with string2 here

Re: STRCAT - Vince - 05.07.2012

No, strcat simply concatenates two strings, nothing more, nothing less. If you want to insert variables you need to format your string first.

Re: STRCAT - Jake__ - 05.07.2012

So would I do it like this?

new string[128];
new string2[32] = "Hello";

format(string, 128, "%s", string2);
strcat(string, "Test");

// do something with string here