||SA-MP 24/Hour Live Stream|| (Event) -
AdvancedMapper - 05.07.2012
"We Rise Above the Ashes"
Hey guys Advanced Mapper here with a Live Stream event for SA-MP Only that will run 24 hours from 3:30PM today to 3:30PM Tomorrow, If you would like to come hangout see us play some stunt/dm/rp/flying etc all types of servers the server ip's will be above the game play screen and we are offering chances for people to join our skype call but only 1/10 chances of you being chosen!
Livestream -
Website -
******* -
How do i get in to the skype call?:
Post your skype username in the Twitch Chat!
Do i get banned for posting server ips?:
No you will not!
((If im in the wrong section please leave the notice below and i will delete all this and move it!))