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Limits - Printable Version

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Limits - Roko_foko - 05.07.2012

Is this going over limits? (limits:
I think it is not, but some textdraws doesn't want to show up.

new Text:gStartingTextD[2] = {Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ...};
new Text:BackGroundTD = Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
new Text:gBotChatTD[3] = {Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ...};
new Text:StatsBackGroundTD = Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
new Text:StatsRestoreTD = Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
new Text:StatsSkillUpgradeTD[MAX_SKILLS]  = {Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW, ...};

new PlayerText:StatsLevel[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:StatsName[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:StatsPoints[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:ChatMainTD[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:MainStoryTextD[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:OptionTextD[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_OPTIONS];
new PlayerText:OptionChat[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_CHAT_OPTIONS];
new PlayerText:InstructionMessage[MAX_PLAYERS];

Re: Limits - TheLazySloth - 05.07.2012

It isn't going over the limits.

Some are per-player textdraws, others are regular textdraws... meybe that's why some aren't showing? I can't tell completely, you'll have to show all of your textdraw code.

Re: Limits - Roko_foko - 05.07.2012, thread that I posted yesterday. I really have no clue why this happend. On one moment I think I see the textdraws but it looks like they are covered with the box of another textdraw.

Re: Limits - Roko_foko - 05.07.2012

I find the mistake. Thank you anyway. even you may think you didn't help me you made me find the mistake. THANKS! rep+