I have been working on this for weeks and cannot for the life of me figure out what the fuck is wrong with it:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerLogin(playerid, password[])
TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128],ip[20], query[1024], data[256];// cmdtext;
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
GetPlayerIp(playerid,ip,sizeof ip);
// format(query, sizeof(query),"UPDATE Player_Data SET ip='%s' WHERE username='%s'", ip, PlayerName(playerid));
// mysql_query(query);
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM Player_Data WHERE username = '%s' AND password = '%s'", PlayerName(playerid), password);
if(mysql_fetch_field_row (data, "password"))
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "adminlvl");
UserInfo[playerid][Admin] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "registration_date");
UserInfo[playerid][Registration_Date] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "registration_time");
UserInfo[playerid][Registration_Time] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "last_seen");
UserInfo[playerid][LastSeen] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "ip");
UserInfo[playerid][IP] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "caradmin");
UserInfo[playerid][Caradmin] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "cash");
UserInfo[playerid][Cash] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "score");
UserInfo[playerid][Score] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "banned");
UserInfo[playerid][Banned] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "vehicleid");
UserInfo[playerid][Vehicle] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "warnings");
UserInfo[playerid][Warnings] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "kicks");
UserInfo[playerid][Kicks] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "tempbans");
UserInfo[playerid][Tempbans] = strval(data);
mysql_fetch_field_row(data, "punishments");
UserInfo[playerid][Punishments] = strval(data);
UserInfo[playerid][tPunishments] = strval(data);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "Popup.Login", 0);
UserInfo[playerid][Logged] = 1;
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, UserInfo[playerid][Cash]);
SetPlayerScore(playerid, UserInfo[playerid][Score]);
DeletePVar(playerid, "Popup.Login");
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "PassAttempt") != 3)
case 1:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 9999, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login", "Incorrect password, you have 2 attempts left out of 3", "Login", "Quit");
case 2:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 9999, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login", "Incorrect password, you have 1 attempt left out of 3", "Login", "Quit");
case 3:
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_CYAN,"You have failed to login, you are now kicked");
return 1;
return 1;
return 1;
SetPVarInt(playerid, "Admin", UserInfo[playerid][Admin]);
GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, 20);
format(str, sizeof str, "You are logged in!", name);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, str);
printf("[part] %s has logged in", name);
if (UserInfo[playerid][Caradmin] == 1)
format(str, sizeof str, "Welcome back, Vehicle Administrator");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW, str);
if (UserInfo[playerid][Admin] == 1)
format(str, sizeof str, "Welcome back, Moderator!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW, str);
if (UserInfo[playerid][Admin] == 2)
format(str, sizeof str, "Welcome back, Administrator!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW, str);
if (UserInfo[playerid][Admin] == 3)
format(str, sizeof str, "Welcome back, Manager!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW, str);
if (UserInfo[playerid][Admin] == 4)
format(str, sizeof str, "Welcome back, Developer!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW, str);
if (UserInfo[playerid][Admin] == 5)
format(str, sizeof str, "Welcome back, Leader!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW,str);
if(strlen(dini_Get("aliases/alias.txt", ip)) == 0)
dini_Set("aliases/alias.txt", ip, name);
if( strfind( dini_Get("Aliases/alias.txt", ip), name, true) == -1 )
format(str,sizeof(str),"%s, %s", dini_Get("Aliases/alias.txt",ip), name);
dini_Set("Aliases/alias.txt", ip, str);
return 1;
This is after trying to figure out how to swap from one old outdated mysql plugin to BlueG's One
As you can see the script compiles properly, the problem is with the MYSQL part, it for some reason in the debug tells me its working fine, but does not actually Collect any information from the server.
Still does not work, the login script does not even recognize there is a password, i know the mysql is working as it is prompting my account for a password, and registering an account does work.
Anyone have any idea, its been killing me trying to fix this thing, ive tried it just about every possible way except the right way.