for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
zgintasz - 03.07.2012
Hi guys,
I created a little test, to check which loop(I mean
for( ) and
while( )) is faster. The results are very strange! I want to know, why there is a very big difference.
pawn Код:
time = GetTickCount( );
for( new i; i < 10000000; i++ )
for( var = 0; var < 100; var++ ) // using for( ) loop
SendClientMessage( 0, -1, "" );
printf( "result1: %d ms", GetTickCount( ) - time );
time = GetTickCount( );
for( new i; i < 10000000; i++ )
while( var < 100 ) // using while( ) loop
SendClientMessage( 0, -1, "" );
printf( "result2: %d ms", GetTickCount( ) - time );
Here is the results:
[13:40:26] result1: 39798 ms
[13:40:26] result2: 277 ms
Re: for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
Vince - 03.07.2012
Your test is flawed. Var will still be 99 when you while loop starts.
Re: for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
zgintasz - 03.07.2012
Okay, I fixed it, but I'm still getting a very big difference(yes, I compiled the code)!
pawn Код:
var = 0;
time = GetTickCount( );
for( new i; i < 10000000; i++ )
for( var = 0; var < 100; var++ ) // using for( ) loop
SendClientMessage( 0, -1, "" );
printf( "result1: %d ms", GetTickCount( ) - time );
var = 0; // fix
time = GetTickCount( );
for( new i; i < 10000000; i++ )
while( var < 100 ) // using while( ) loop
SendClientMessage( 0, -1, "" );
printf( "result2: %d ms", GetTickCount( ) - time );
[14:07:10] result1: 39201 ms
[14:07:10] result2: 285 ms
Re: for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
xxmitsu - 03.07.2012
for( new i; i < 10000000; i++ )
var = 0;
while( var < 100 ) // using while( ) loop
SendClientMessage( 0, -1, "" );
Re: for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
[MM]RoXoR[FS] - 03.07.2012
Actually while loop is slower..
[04:48:15] result1: 40726 ms
[04:49:15] result2: 59403 ms
Fixed code
pawn Код:
new var, time ;
time = GetTickCount( );
for( new i=0; i < 10000000; i++ )
for( var = 0; var < 100; var++ ) // using for( ) loop
SendClientMessage( 0, -1, "" );
printf( "result1: %d ms", GetTickCount( ) - time );
time = GetTickCount( );
new i = 0;
var = 0;
while( var < 100 ) // using while( ) loop
SendClientMessage( 0, -1, "" );
printf( "result2: %d ms", GetTickCount( ) - time );
Re: for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
zgintasz - 03.07.2012
Thanks, xxmitsu. What a mistake... Nevermind... Here is the correct results:
[14:18:30] result1: 39727 ms
[14:19:27] result2: 57889 ms
Re: for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
iggy1 - 03.07.2012
pawn Код:
new time = GetTickCount();
for(new i; i < 100000000; i++)
printf("for loop == %d", GetTickCount()-time);
time = GetTickCount();
new i;
while(i < 100000000)
printf("while loop == %d", GetTickCount()-time);
[12:31:11] for loop == 13810
[12:31:26] while loop == 15167
for loop is 1357ms (one and a third seconds) faster over 100 million iterations.
No additional function calls to mess up speed.
Re: for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
zgintasz - 03.07.2012
Okay, so why in another way, while loop is faster?
pawn Код:
Float:vPos[ 3 ]
time = GetTickCount( );
for( new vehicleid; vehicleid < MAX_VEHICLES; vehicleid++ )
if( GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ) == 0 )
GetVehiclePos( vehicleid, vPos[ 0 ], vPos[ 1 ], vPos[ 2 ] );
for( new a; a < 500; a++ )
if( !IsValidFireID( a ) )
if( GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint( vehicleid, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) < 4.0 )
GetVehicleHealth( vehicleid, vHealth );
SetVehicleHealth( vehicleid, vHealth - 8.0 - random( 5 ) );
printf( "result1: %d ms", GetTickCount( ) - time );
time = GetTickCount( );
while( vehicleid < MAX_VEHICLES )
if( GetVehicleModel( vehicleid ) == 0 )
GetVehiclePos( vehicleid, vPos[ 0 ], vPos[ 1 ], vPos[ 2 ] );
while( b < 500 )
if( !IsValidFireID( b ) )
if( GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint( vehicleid, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) < 4.0 )
GetVehicleHealth( vehicleid, vHealth );
SetVehicleHealth( vehicleid, vHealth - 8.0 - random( 5 ) );
printf( "result2: %d ms", GetTickCount( ) - time );
[14:32:00] result1: 638 ms
[14:32:00] result2: 1 ms
Re: for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
Niko_boy - 03.07.2012
i too really wanna know about this in Java Scripting while loop is a bit faster
i always wonder for its performance differnce with for loop
Re: for( ) loop vs while( ) loop | While( ) loop is 143x faster? -
zgintasz - 03.07.2012
It's very strange... In one test, while loop is a little bit slower, but in another test - it's 638x faster