Can Anyone Help me script? -
ZBits - 03.07.2012
Hello i am scripting a RP server and i need help.
i need some cop faction commands which is /su(spect),/cuff,/r(adio),/jail [playerid] [time] no longer than 120 secs
and a cop rank like cadet,Swat and FBI
and then for a medic which is just /heal and /r
and the last thing i want is whenever a new player Join his team should be a civilian which is TEAM_CIV
please guys i really need help and i promise i will add whoever helps me in this script in my server credits
Thanks in Advance for help
AW: Can Anyone Help me script? -
LeOsk - 03.07.2012
Why don't you think about it yourself? but ok i will help you with one:
I am using ocmd:
ocmd:r (playerid,params[])
new text[128];
if(sscanf(params,"s",text))return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_BLUE,"/r [text] - for radio chat");
format(text,sizeof(text),"Radia: %s: %s",UserName(playerid),text); //UserName don't know your command
for(new i=0; i<GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
return 1;
NOTE: This is compatible with my script probably not with yours you have to edit it
Re: Can Anyone Help me script? -
ZBits - 03.07.2012
AW: Can Anyone Help me script? -
LeOsk - 03.07.2012
You should download something like ocmd and include it to your script:
something like it
And about strcmp:
I found this with ******:
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/r", true))
new string[128], Player[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, Player, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
format(string, 128, "Radio: %s: %s", Player, cmdtext[2]);
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_COP)
return 1;
I have never done it like this out maybe its working
Re: Can Anyone Help me script? -
ZBits - 03.07.2012
i guess the code is right but when i do /r test it says SERVER: Unknown command,and when i do /r it says Radio[TwisT]:
can anyone help me?
AW: Can Anyone Help me script? -
LeOsk - 03.07.2012
i would recommend you downloading one of the includes i send you: with them its much easier and better
and then you can use my first code its working fine
Re: Can Anyone Help me script? -
ZBits - 04.07.2012
can you tell me how to use dcmd?
as i said i am new in scripting
Re: Can Anyone Help me script? -
ZBits - 04.07.2012
i need a small help
look a player did /duty and he goes in cop skin,and when he chooses in the dialog to go off duty i want his skin back to what it was before going on duty
can any one help me in this one?
Re: Can Anyone Help me script? -
ZBits - 05.07.2012
Please i need Help!!!
Re: Can Anyone Help me script? -
clarencecuzz - 06.07.2012
pawn Код:
if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_CIV)
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_PINK2,"Welcome to duty");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You can't go on duty!"); //You can replace 0xFF0000AA with COLOR_RED etc.
Sorry, but this is all I can do to make your life easier, alot of people wouldn't be interested in creating a whole script for you. Try posting in the Script Request Thread.