Online admins in dialog -
BGMike - 02.07.2012
Hello, how to make command that display all online admins in dialog style: DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX
I want every admin to be on new line.
Re: Online admins in dialog -
rVar - 02.07.2012
new A_String[ 150 ], count = 0, AdminPos[ 30 ];
foreach(Player, i)
if( Bit4_Get( AdminLevel, i ) >= 1 || IsPlayerAdmin( i ) )
if( Bit4_Get( AdminLevel, i ) == 1 ) AdminPos = ""#RED"Newbie Admin";
else if( Bit4_Get( AdminLevel, i ) == 2 ) AdminPos = ""#RED"Moderator";
else if( Bit4_Get( AdminLevel, i ) == 3 ) AdminPos = ""#RED"Administrator";
else if( Bit4_Get( AdminLevel, i ) == 4 ) AdminPos = ""#RED"Head Administrator";
else if( Bit4_Get( AdminLevel, i ) == 5 ) AdminPos = ""#RED"Server Owner";
else if( IsPlayerAdmin( i ) ) AdminPos = ""#RED"RCON Admin";
format( A_String, sizeof( A_String ),"%s"#GREEN"%s[ID:%d] "#YELLOW"- "#BLUE"%s \n", A_String, GetName( i ), i, AdminPos );
ShowPlayerDialog( i, A_D_ON , 0, ""#WHITE"Online Admins", A_String, "OK", "" );
else if( count == 0 )
ShowPlayerDialog( i, A_D_ON, 0, "Admins Online", ""WHITE"No Admins Online!", "OK", "" );
return 1;
Change admin variables to make compatible with your script
Re: Online admins in dialog -
Yashas - 02.07.2012
Try making a for loop and checking for Admins and then use format function to join all adminsand make a text and display it.
new a;
new sting[];
for(new i;i == MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
for(new b == 01;b == a;b++)
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s %s",string,admins[a]);
ShowPlayerDialog(......); //Just print it.
I have not tested it but it may work.
Re: Online admins in dialog -
BGMike - 02.07.2012
Result is Unknown Command.
Where's wrong ?
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/allhouses",true)==0)
new info[2000];
for(new i = 0; i < 30; i++)
if(HouseInfo[i][hOwned] == 0)
format(string,sizeof(string),"{00FF00}House ID %d: The House Is Free\n",i);
format(string,sizeof(string),"{FF8000}House ID %d: Owned by: %s\n",i,HouseInfo[i][hOwner]);
strcat(info, string, sizeof(info));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,17,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{0080FF}ALL HOUSES:",info,"Other","Close");
return 1;
Re: Online admins in dialog -
Universal - 02.07.2012
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/allhouses",true)==0)
new info[2000];
info[0] = '\0';
for(new i = 0; i < 30; i++)
if(HouseInfo[i][hOwned] == 0)
format(string,sizeof(string),"{00FF00}House ID %d: The House Is Free\n",i);
format(string,sizeof(string),"{FF8000}House ID %d: Owned by: %s\n",i,HouseInfo[i][hOwner]);
strcat(info, string, sizeof(info));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,17,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{0080FF}ALL HOUSES:",info,"Other","Close");
return 1;
Edit: I see you are formatting a string, but do you have it declared?
Re: Online admins in dialog -
BGMike - 02.07.2012
Universal Yes, I do.
I added smo things in command and I have another problem. The dialog displayed with the text, but when get to owned house the line not displayed and stopped there. (sorry for my bad english)
Where's wrong ?
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/allhouses",true)==0)
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] >= 4)
new strings[256];
new info[2000];
info[0] = '\0';
for(new i = 0; i < 30; i++)
if(HouseInfo[i][hOwned] == 0)
format(string,sizeof(string),"{00FF00}House ID %d: The House Is Free\n",i);
format(strings, sizeof(strings), "%s.ini",HouseInfo[i][hOwner]);
new s = dini_Int(strings, "Second");
new m = dini_Int(strings, "Minute");
new h = dini_Int(strings, "Hour");
new d = dini_Int(strings, "Day");
new mo = dini_Int(strings, "Month");
new y = dini_Int(strings, "Year");
format(string,sizeof(string),"{FF8000}House ID %d: Owner: %s, Last login: %s%d.%s%d.%d and %s%d:%s%d:%s%d PM!\n",i,HouseInfo[i][hOwner],(d < 10) ? ("0") : (""), d, (mo < 10) ? ("0") : (""), mo, y, (h < 10) ? ("0") : (""), h, (m < 10) ? ("0") : (""), m, (s < 10) ? ("0") : (""), s);
strcat(info, string, sizeof(info));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,17,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{0080FF}ALL HOUSES:",info,"Other","Close");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "You're not admin!");
return 1;
Re: Online admins in dialog -
Universal - 02.07.2012
If you want to acheive the integer with leading zeros, use
%02d instead of the ternary operator. Example:
pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "Time %02d:%02d", hour, minute);
Re: Online admins in dialog -
BGMike - 02.07.2012
Alright, I made this, but I still have the problem. Any other ideas ?
Re: Online admins in dialog -
BGMike - 03.07.2012