Textdraw -
Crazyboobs - 02.07.2012
Hello i am using Yagu race system.In that an auto message will show when the race is ready.
I want to make when the message show then at the same time a textdraw should show and that textdraw should disappear after 30 seconds.
Here is the textdraw
pawn Код:
Ygversion = TextDrawCreate(283.000000, 58.000000, "type /join to join the race");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Ygversion, 255);
TextDrawFont(Ygversion, 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(Ygversion, 0.200000, 1.200001);
TextDrawColor(Ygversion, -65281);
TextDrawSetOutline(Ygversion, 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(Ygversion, 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(Ygversion, 1);
pawn Код:
public startrace()
format(ystring,128,"Race '%s' is about to start, type /join to join!",CRaceName);
if(Racemode == 0) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"default");
else if(Racemode == 1) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"ring");
else if(Racemode == 2) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"yoyo");
else if(Racemode == 3) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"mirror");
format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"Racemode: %s Laps: %d",ystring,Racelaps);
if(PrizeMode >= 2) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s Join fee: %d",ystring,JoinFee);
if(Airrace == 1) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s AIR RACE",ystring);
if(Racemode == 0 || Racemode == 3) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s Track lenght: %0.2fkm", ystring, RLenght/1000);
else if(Racemode == 1) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s Lap lenght: %.2fkm, Total: %.2fkm", ystring, LLenght/1000, LLenght * Racelaps / 1000);
//i think here is the textdraw should come and it should disappear after 30 seconds
Please help me
Re: Textdraw -
Tee - 02.07.2012
Try to follow:
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
//creating the textdraw
Ygversion = TextDrawCreate(283.000000, 58.000000, "type /join to join the race");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Ygversion, 255);
TextDrawFont(Ygversion, 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(Ygversion, 0.200000, 1.200001);
TextDrawColor(Ygversion, -65281);
TextDrawSetOutline(Ygversion, 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(Ygversion, 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(Ygversion, 1);
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,Ygversion);//just make sure it stay hidden until it's ready to be used
return 1;
public startrace()
format(ystring,128,"Race '%s' is about to start, type /join to join!",CRaceName);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,Ygversion);//showing it when it's time to use it
SetTimerEx("TextDraw_HideRaceTextDraw",30000,false,"i",playerid);//set a 30s timer to hide it
if(Racemode == 0) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"default");
else if(Racemode == 1) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"ring");
else if(Racemode == 2) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"yoyo");
else if(Racemode == 3) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"mirror");
format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"Racemode: %s Laps: %d",ystring,Racelaps);
if(PrizeMode >= 2) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s Join fee: %d",ystring,JoinFee);
if(Airrace == 1) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s AIR RACE",ystring);
if(Racemode == 0 || Racemode == 3) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s Track lenght: %0.2fkm", ystring, RLenght/1000);
else if(Racemode == 1) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s Lap lenght: %.2fkm, Total: %.2fkm", ystring, LLenght/1000, LLenght * Racelaps / 1000);
//i think here is the textdraw should come and it should disappear after 30 seconds
forward TextDraw_HideRaceTextDraw(playerid);
public TextDraw_HideRaceTextDraw(playerid)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,Ygversion);//textdraw will be hidden when this function is called
return 1;