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CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - Printable Version

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CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - Sean.H - 01.07.2012

Hello, i want to see an "Overlay" over the Head from a Person which have Wanteds. Like: "Name: ... Wanteds: ... Reason: ... " It works fine, only my "Update" funktion won't work and i dont know why. (( Sorry for my bad english. ))

Here my Code:

	if(IsACop(playerid) != 1) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_FADE2,"Du bist nicht befugt, diesen Befehl zu nutzen.");
	new giveplayer,reason[128];
	if(sscanf(params,"us",giveplayer,reason)) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_FADE2,"Benutze: /su [PLAYER] [REASON]");
	new string[128];
	format(string,sizeof(string),"[ %d ] %s\nWantedLevel: %d\nGrund: %s",giveplayer,PlayerInfo[giveplayer][pName],PlayerInfo[giveplayer][pWanteds],LastReason[giveplayer]);
	if(HaveWantedText[giveplayer] == 0)
		for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
			if(PlayerInfo[i][pFraktion] == 0 || PlayerInfo[i][pFraktion] == 1 || PlayerInfo[i][pFraktion] == 2)
				WantedText[giveplayer] = CreatePlayer3DTextLabel(i,string,0xEE0000FF, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 60.0,giveplayer, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0); <====== WORK
				HaveWantedText[giveplayer] = 1;
	if(HaveWantedText[giveplayer] == 1)
		for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
			if(PlayerInfo[i][pFraktion] == 0 || PlayerInfo[i][pFraktion] == 1 || PlayerInfo[i][pFraktion] == 2)
				DeletePlayer3DTextLabel(i,WantedText[giveplayer]); // <========= DONT WORK 
				WantedText[giveplayer] = CreatePlayer3DTextLabel(i,string,0xEE0000FF, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 60.0,giveplayer, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0); // <====== WORK
	return 1;

AW: CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - LeOsk - 01.07.2012

What exactly happens if you su somebody who already have this 3d-text?
Spreche auch deutsch das englische forum ist aber besser

AW: CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - Sean.H - 01.07.2012

Hey, es ьberlappt sich.

Hey, the new Overlay goes "over" the old one, so the "Victim" have 2 Overlays.

AW: CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - LeOsk - 01.07.2012

hmm ok
what about:

AW: CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - Sean.H - 01.07.2012

Dont work also. Ive tried it, but same there. It wont work. So ive tried it with Delete.

AW: CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - LeOsk - 01.07.2012

and if you do it with Create3DTextLabel and then Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer

AW: CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - Sean.H - 01.07.2012

but then, every one can see the overlay. but only cops should see it

AW: CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - LeOsk - 01.07.2012

ah ok
well i will have a look tomorrow so far bye

AW: CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - Sean.H - 02.07.2012

Does someone know how to fix it ?

AW: CreatePlayer3DTextLabel wont work - Sean.H - 02.07.2012

PUSH, does somebody know how it works ?