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dini vs Y_ini - Printable Version

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dini vs Y_ini - Joe21 - 29.06.2012

what is more effiecient or better in fucntional aspect ?
it is just a curiosity.

sorry :<

Re: dini vs Y_ini - int3s0 - 29.06.2012


Re: dini vs Y_ini - Joe21 - 29.06.2012

why is it ??
i need to know ..

Re: dini vs Y_ini - Vince - 29.06.2012

Dini opens the file, reads or writes a single value, closes the file. Y_Ini opens the file once, reads or write multiple values, close the file once.

Re: dini vs Y_ini - cJMaster_ - 29.06.2012


Re : dini vs Y_ini - Naruto_Emilio - 29.06.2012

Y_ini for the win!

Re: dini vs Y_ini - Neil. - 30.06.2012

Y_ini nuff said....
Y_ini imo is the fastest hands down when comparing to dini, it's 100 times faster, better, and is more efficient than the old dini

Re: dini vs Y_ini - Kaperstone - 30.06.2012

i don't get why did joe even opened this topic.
****** clearly said:
Originally Posted by ******
as well as a wrapper to allow modes using dini to take advantage of the improved file reading and writing.

Re: dini vs Y_ini - Glint - 02.07.2012

Without any doubts y_ini

Re: dini vs Y_ini - SA-MPDrifter - 02.07.2012

Y_INI, all the way without a doubt.