Dirt Showdown - Printable Version
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Dirt Showdown + reapution -
davve95 - 27.06.2012
I bought this game yesterday, it lookt damn funny'n cool on videos!..
But I have a problem the camera is shaking to much so I don't feel so good when playing like motion sickness ^^ .
Lol.. So I don't like to play it so much.. Anyway to fix it??..
And what do you think about the game?? And the camera??..
Re: Dirt Showdown -
Jese - 28.06.2012
Well, I heard it's a bad game. Maybe I will download it somewhere in the future or maybe not.
Re: Dirt Showdown -
davve95 - 28.06.2012
Okay, damn, any other know how to fix it??..