/setforsale problem. - Printable Version
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/setforsale problem. -
Henry_Martinez - 27.06.2012
pawn Код:
command(setforsale, playerid, params[])
new i, price, string[256];
if(Player[playerid][Group] == 19)
if(sscanf(params, "dd", i, price)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "Server: /setforsale [Vehicle ID(Get the ID through /dl)] [Price]");
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have set vehicle ID: %d for sale at the price of %d", i, price);
SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, string);
format(string, sizeof(string), "For Sale\nPrice: %d\nCall 118 to purchase it.", price);
vehicle3Dtext = Create3DTextLabel(string, WHITE, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 0, 1);
Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle(vehicle3Dtext, i, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "You are not in the correct Faction.");
return 1;
Somehow the Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle Won't show up.
Re: /setforsale problem. -
[A]ndrei - 27.06.2012
Re: /setforsale problem. -
Henry_Martinez - 27.06.2012
No, No errors
Respuesta: /setforsale problem. -
Chris1337 - 27.06.2012
Wheres that enum/define
Re: /setforsale problem. -
Henry_Martinez - 27.06.2012
I don't got a enum but i got an define
Re: /setforsale problem. -
[MM]RoXoR[FS] - 27.06.2012
pawn Код:
command(setforsale, playerid, params[])
new i, price, string[256];
if(Player[playerid][Group] == 19)
if(sscanf(params, "dd", i, price)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "Server: /setforsale [Vehicle ID(Get the ID through /dl)] [Price]");
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have set vehicle ID: %d for sale at the price of %d", i, price);
SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, string);
format(string, sizeof(string), "For Sale\nPrice: %d\nCall 118 to purchase it.", price);
vehicle3Dtext = Create3DTextLabel(string, WHITE, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 0, 1);
Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle(vehicle3Dtext, i, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "You are not in the correct Faction.");
return 1;