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[Help] PPC_Housing & PPC_Business Help - Printable Version

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[Help] PPC_Housing & PPC_Business [Auto house selling system based on inactivity] - jeffery30162 - 26.06.2012

is there a way to Auto house/business selling system based on inactivity?

umm heres the filter script links....



Re: [Help] PPC_Housing & PPC_Business Help - jeffery30162 - 27.06.2012

Also is there a way to be able to disable or enable in filterscript? like:

sell_in_15 = true

Re: [Help] PPC_Housing & PPC_Business Help - jeffery30162 - 27.06.2012

is it possible to be able to set the time like:

Sell_In = 15 //Days

Re: [Help] PPC_Housing & PPC_Business Help - navroopsingh - 30.01.2013

Sorry, I cant help ye, I've got a lot of bugs in the system too!