hexa decimal - Printable Version
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hexa decimal -
Stereotype - 26.06.2012
Can i use hexadecimal color codes in
pawn Код:
SendClientMessage(bla, COLOR_BLA " {hexa code} blah blah {other hexa code} blah blah blah...
Re: hexa decimal -
Grand_Micha - 26.06.2012
pawn Код:
SendClientMessage(bla, COLOR_BLA " {FF0000} blah blah {00FF00} blah blah blah...
You can. I just gave you an example of red and blue. Use the format RGB, not RGBA.
Re: hexa decimal -
Stereotype - 26.06.2012
Thanks , i know color codes already
Re: hexa decimal -
Grand_Micha - 26.06.2012
So, what exactly do you want to know then?
Re: hexa decimal -
Stereotype - 26.06.2012
Just wanted to know if i can write h.d.codes in pawn
Re: hexa decimal -
Grand_Micha - 26.06.2012
Originally Posted by Grand_Micha
You can.
I guess...well.
Re: hexa decimal -
Rob_Maate - 26.06.2012
You can also define them for easy use later on
pawn Код:
#define INLINE_BLACK "{000000}"
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Hello, this is in red "INLINE_BLACK"and this is in black.");
Re: hexa decimal -
Stereotype - 26.06.2012
Thanks rep + for u guys