Need help in Scripts -
ashben10 - 26.06.2012
Hi everyone
i am new in scripting...
see this is what i wanted to know
i have been searching in fourm/******/******* about how to add MTA Map [which is converted] into sa-mp server... all i found was how to convert them, and those who made tutorial didnt really help me out in anyway.
one more thing
if any scripter help me out ?
i wanted to make a moving object to my map. i have been looking for tutorials. i found few but the thing is
if any of you could make a vid, how to do that it will lot more useful than those explanation in Text's
pls help me someone....
Looking forward to someone's reply....
Re: Need help in Scripts -
Beginerinprogress - 26.06.2012
It is easy first open your MTA Map notpad/Text file copy that and go to this web adress
Paste it there
After that open your gamemod/filterscript with pawno and find this line
public OnGameModeInit() something like that
under that
paste the File which you got after pasting it to
i hope i helped you holla holla holla
If you dont understand and need video tutorial add me on skype
Username: rohithks1
Ty for reading this
Re: Need help in Scripts -
Unfriendly - 26.06.2012
After you convert them you'll get a code like this
CreateObject(blahblah); // object 1
Just copy and paste all of that under "OnGameModeInit"
Re: Need help in Scripts -
ashben10 - 26.06.2012
i am trying to add them in Filterscript
see i alrdy know how to convert and stuffs.
after converting i past them like this
#include <a_samp>
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" xxxx");
CreateObject(654,-1886.09997559,2097.30004883,8.19999981,0.00000000, 0.00000000,0.00000000); //object(pinetree0
return 1;
and save it as xxx and compile
and in server cfg i add xxx
after this wen i start server i dont see the map...
Re: Need help in Scripts -
[KHK]Khalid - 26.06.2012
Hmm make sure you don't have this line commented, if it's commented un-comment it.
May you also check if the filterscript is loaded when you start your server (See on the server console) ?
Re: Need help in Scripts -
TyThaBomb - 26.06.2012
So, you have the FS on the server.cfg line "filterscripts xxx". I see.. Well, hopefully you have it all in the right folder and #define Filterscript is uncommented, meaning you removed the //. What does it say when you run the server? Meaning, what does it say about the filterscript? It should say:
Loading filterscript 'xxx.amx'...
Loaded 1 filterscripts.
Re: Need help in Scripts -
ashben10 - 26.06.2012
in server log
this is what i saw
[07:34:11] Loading filterscript 'ranksystem.amx'...
[07:34:11] Loading filterscript 'clock.amx'...
[07:34:11] Loading filterscript 'Bayside.amx'...
[07:34:11] Loaded 5 filterscripts.
Bayside is the map...
but i dont see the map in server...
this is my skype name : ashben10
if anyone can add me and do a screen sharing and show me how to do it ? it would really help me a lot...
Re: Need help in Scripts -
Beginerinprogress - 26.06.2012
I think if it dont load filterscript you didnt compiled it or you didnt added it to server .cfg
Re: Need help in Scripts -
[KHK]Khalid - 26.06.2012
Do you see anything about failure in loading filterscript (your filterscript name)? Do you even see it saying, "Loading filterscript 'your script name.amx'..." ?
Re: Need help in Scripts -
[A]ndrei - 26.06.2012
put the code of objects under
public OnGameModeInit()
then select the objects(all of the ones you pasted)and press Tab to avoide loose indention...