it shows me the text draw 2 times you can see it up to the hp bar.. it's like dissapearing and then appears again.
pawn Код:
new Text:td_fuel[MAX_PLAYERS] = {Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW,...}; // Add the little extension!
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
td_fuel[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(45,324,"Fuel: 100"); //create the textdraw at position
TextDrawBackgroundColor(td_fuel[playerid],0x00000033); //setting an nice backgroundcolor
TextDrawFont(td_fuel[playerid],3); //font type of textdraw
TextDrawLetterSize(td_fuel[playerid],0.699999,1.700000); //size...
TextDrawColor(td_fuel[playerid],0x000000ff); //color
TextDrawSetShadow(td_fuel[playerid],3); //dropping the shadow
return 1;