Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
Samp-Resources - 25.06.2012
What will be samp-scripts?
Samp-Scripts will be a website dedicated to the SA-MP community. The main attraction will be the large database of Game Modes, Filterscripts, Maps, plugins, and includes we will be holding for the community. Another attraction will be the Web Hosting and soon to come Game Server Hosting.
We are here to bring you a website where you all can get the sources you need without the need of going to forum to forum. Car ids, object ids, and Interior ids. Anything you possibly need to be successful we will be offering it here at Samp-Scripts your home for all your needs.
What is the purpose of samp-scripts?
The main purpose is to bring the players, server owners, and script developers an all in one site that provides them with every resource in an organize database manner. Currently they have everything posted on there forums which is very un organize and non friendly towards users. When a developer release a script (Game Mode, Filterscript, Includes) its a low chance of there script being seen because its being posted on the forums. Where people can spam, starts flame war, and bump topics. Here we will take all the scripts from there forums and put them into a database similar like the add-ons site for Firefox. Where people can rate and comment and upload there scripts in an easy simple way. I have talked to some guys over at sa:mp forums and they like this idea and hope to see it succeed because they agree that forums is not a good way to release scripts. I personally believe that this will drive a lot of traffic to the website. As not only we will be holding a database of scripts but also helping promote small servers who don't really see the light.
Allow developers to post there scripts.
User must have an account.
First Script Must Be verified by an admin. Then anything else they post would not require any admin review.
The form they need to fill out to submit/upload will be the following.
Title of the script
Lines of code
Description (use a wysiwyg editior)
Quick Description (quick summary of the script)
Tags (tag it up so it will come up on search results quicker
Game Mode
Team Deathmatch
Free Roam
- Submit Custom News 1
Allow registered users to post there own news that will be reviewed first by an admin.
This will show on the frontpage. A user can only post once a month.
They can do this from there account or there can be a button somewhere on the hompage that says "Submit News"
- Request A Service 3
- Submit Comments 1
Allow registered users to comment on uploads.
They can only comment if they are on full description of the download.
Submit comments to news articles.
- Image Host 4
- Rank Downloads 1
Allow registered users to rank an upload. The more stars the file recieves it will come up on the "Popular" list
- Upload File 3
Allow users to be able to upload any type of allowed extensions to our server. There will be (editing later)
- File Manager to edit there scripts on the fly 3
-See Who's Online 3
- Upload Image 4
- See latest downloads 1
Have like a ajax or something will post newly uploaded files. Similer like
See how they have "Just Added" "Recommended" and "Popular" something like that needs to be on the front page viewable to all users.
- See Song Playing 5
- PM Other users 5
- Upload Videos 5
- Front page news 1
Allow admins to post news that will be shown on the front page like how users can submit custom news.
- User Accounts. 1
Register Process
Username (Required)
Real Name
Email and Email Verify(Required)
Password and password Verfy(Required)
Occupation (Required) Ex. Player, Scripter,
Do you currently own any scripts? If so please list the names of the scripts.(Required)
Allow users to download and upload scripts.
Comment on other scripts
Edit there own description of there uploaded download. Also reupload there script if needed.
See the list of scripts they uploaded. How many times they been downloaded etc.
Give the moderation over there upload that will alow them to disable comments or to allow comments etc.
- Admin Panel that manages everything.(for me only) 1
Allow admins to edit registered profiles
Delete and/or edit uploaded scripts.
Recieve updates on newly uploaded scripts.
Recieves updates on "The waiting List" for people whose first time uploading
Custom news moderation. and able to post there own news.
Respuesta: Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
thefatshizms - 27.06.2012
Pretty good idea was going to make a website like this myself but you have much better ideas
Re: Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
Grim_ - 27.06.2012
So basically a Samp-Resources relaunch with a different name?
Sorry, but it's not going to work out. Do not get me wrong, it is a nice idea, but you're not going to get enough dedicated members to come along with the site. Besides, despite what you say, these forums are fine for releasing scripts. If it isn't user-friendly enough for you, then you have some problems, to be honest.
Re: Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
Unfriendly - 28.06.2012
Sounds good to me.
Respuesta: Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
thefatshizms - 28.06.2012
As long as it helps newbies learn I'm all in
Re: Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
[FSaF]Jarno - 28.06.2012
I can help ya!
Re: Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
KingHual - 28.06.2012
Think of something unique for once pls
Re: Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
Rudy_ - 28.06.2012
Oh sure i'm in
Re: Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
Lordzy - 28.06.2012
Sounds good.
Respuesta: Samp Scripts - Would you be interested? -
thefatshizms - 28.06.2012
Maybe put in a feature where u can hire/become a teacher to teach scripting