I get a few errors I need help with. - Printable Version
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I get a few errors I need help with. -
rangerxxll - 25.06.2012
Good evening. I'm trying to save a players position, and load it back up when they disconnect. But I get 4 errors on one line. Here's the line of code:
pawn Код:
And the errors I'm getting.
C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\Roleplay\gamemodes\rp.pwn(52) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "strcpy(%0,%1,%2)")
C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\Roleplay\gamemodes\rp.pwn(220) : error 028: invalid subscript (not an array or too many subscripts): "PosX"
C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\Roleplay\gamemodes\rp.pwn(220) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\Roleplay\gamemodes\rp.pwn(220) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\Roleplay\gamemodes\rp.pwn(220) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Is there something I'm missing/forgetting? Would love some help :P
Re: I get a few errors I need help with. -
Makaveli93 - 25.06.2012
I'm not sure, but maybe like this
pawn Код:
Re: I get a few errors I need help with. -
rangerxxll - 25.06.2012
Still get the same errors I'm afraid.
Re: I get a few errors I need help with. -
Makaveli93 - 25.06.2012
Can you show me how you defined your variable? Example: new test; etc
Re: I get a few errors I need help with. -
Scott - 25.06.2012
Post the full code to your INI_Float function/macro and the deceleration for the PosX variable.