public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]){
//If the player is not in jail, stop processing the command
if( Is Player In Jail == 0){
return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"You are not in jail.");
//If the player has already failed to escape from jail 2 times, stop processing the command
if( Escape Attempts >=2){
return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"You have already failed to escape from jail twice!");
//When the player is unjailed/connects to the server, you will need to set the variable for escape attempts to 0
//Give the player a 1 in 4 chance of escaping (25%)
new chance=random(4);
//If the random function returns a value of 1 (returns values between 0-3:
//The player has escaped jail
Player Jail Time = 0;
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"You have escaped from jail!~n~~r~Run!",5000,4);
SetPlayerPos(playerid,x,y,z);//Set their position to outside the jail/police station
else {
//The player failed to escape jail
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~You ~r~failed~w~ to escape from jail!",5000,4);
Escape Attempts++;
return 1;
return 0;
#include <a_samp> #include <dudb> #include <CPLoader> #include <ladmin> /*x---------------------------------Defining-------------------------------------x*/ //**COLORS*// #define COLOR_GREY 0xAFAFAFAA #define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #define COLOR_BLUE 0x0000FFAA #define blue 0x0000FFAA #define COLOR_BROWN 0x993300AA #define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFF9933AA #define COLOR_CYAN 0x99FFFFAA #define COLOR_PINK 0xFF66FFAA #define COLOR_BLACK 0x2C2727AA #define COLOR_LIGHTCYAN 0xAAFFCC33 #define COLOR_LEMON 0xDDDD2357 #define COLOR_AQUA 0x7CFC00AA #define COLOR_WHITEYELLOW 0xFFE87DFF #define COLOR_BLUEAQUA 0x7E60FFFF #define COLOR_DARKBLUE 0x15005EFF #define COLOR_ALIEN 0x90FF87FF #define COLOR_GOLD 0xB8860BAA #define KICK_COLOR 0xFF0000FF #define COLOR_GANGGREEN 0x00FF0096 #define COLOR_BLACK 0x2C2727AA #define COLOR_SBLUE 0x00BFFFAA #define WHITE 0xF6F6F6AA #define GREY 0xC6C6C6AA #define RED 0xF60000AA #define COLOR_ERROR 0xF60000AA #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define LIGHT_BLUE 0x00A4F6AA #define BLUE 0x0000F6AA #define DARK_BLUE 0x0000AFAA #define LIGHT_GREEN 0x00F600AA #define GREEN 0x00AD00AA #define DARK_GREEN 0x005000AA #define YELLOW 0xF6F600AA #define ORANGE 0xF67F00AA #define BLACK 0x000000AA #define COLOR_ROYALBLUE 0x4169FFAA #define PINK 0xFF6EC7AA #define SERVER_COLOR 0x85F600AA #define ERROR 0x990000AA #define COLOR_MSG 0x00FFFFFF //Color of general messages #define STUNNED_TIME 4 //The time in seconds the stun lasts #define ANTISPAM 5 //The minimum allowed time between /taze commands #define COLOR_KILLED 0x880000FF //The color, when a player gets killed by tazing #define CIVILIAN 0 #define Medic 1 #define COP 2 #define FBI 3 #define SWAT 4 #define ARMY 5 //--------------Taxi----------- #define BAJADA_DE_BANDERA 500 #define PRECIO_FICHA 300 #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA //----------------------------- /* ----------HIT COMMAND----------*/ #define COLOR_FOUND 0xFFFF00AA //Color of the message if a hit was found in /hits #define COLOR_MSG 0x00FFFFFF //Color of general messages #define ANTISPAM_TIME 5 //The minimum time between /hit commands to prevent spam (in seconds) /*----------NO NEED TO EDIT FROM HERE----------*/ #define MAX_PLAYERS_ 50 #define SPAWN_GAS_MIN 35 #define SPAWN_GAS_MAX 100 #define MAX_START_TIME 3 #define BAJADA_DE_BANDERA2 500 #define PRECIO_FICHA2 300 #define RegisterName 1 #define LoginName 2 #define SendFormattedMessage(%0,%1,%2) do{new _str[128]; format(_str,128,%2); SendClientMessage(%0,%1,_str);}while(FALSE) #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if ((strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) == 0) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 0) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, "")))||(((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 32) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, (%3)[(%2) + 2]))))) return 1 static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS]; new GPSTimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; new bool:HaveGPS[MAX_PLAYERS]; enum aInfo { aLevel } ; new AccountInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][aInfo]; new RecentlyRobbed[MAX_PLAYERS]; new ATMRecentlyRobbed; new DildoRecentlyRobbed; new HallRecentlyRobbed; new RentalRecentlyRobbed; new BankRecentlyRobbed; new BincoRecentlyRobbed; new ZipRecentlyRobbed; new UrbanRecentlyRobbed; new AmmuRecentlyRobbed; new Ammu2RecentlyRobbed; new Ammu3RecentlyRobbed; new Ammu4RecentlyRobbed; new Ammu5RecentlyRobbed; new DrugsRecentlyRobbed; new D4RecentlyRobbed; new CaRecentlyRobbed; new gPlayerUsingLoopingAnim[MAX_PLAYERS]; new animation[200]; //BUS new OnBusAsPassenger[MAX_PLAYERS]; new CostoDelViaje2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new contador2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new playerInMiniMission2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new avisado2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new caidadeficha2Timer2; new cantidadPasajeros2; forward terminarMission2(playerid); forward caidadeficha2(); // new IsSpawned[MAX_PLAYERS]; new SelectBM[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerSkin[MAX_PLAYERS]; new SelectTM[MAX_PLAYERS]; new InTrashMission[MAX_PLAYERS]; new time; new Muted[MAX_PLAYERS]; new ticketmen[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Lotto #define yellow 0xFFFF00AA #define green 0x33FF33AA #define white 0xFFFFFFAA #define red 0xFF0000AA #define grgreen 0x33AA33AA #define SORSOLASTIMER 120000 // 2 perc #define HIRDETESTIMER 180000 // 3 min #define ALTERNATIVE_MAX_PLAYERS 500 //¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ new bool:HaveTicket[ALTERNATIVE_MAX_PLAYERS]; new NyeroSzamok[6][ALTERNATIVE_MAX_PLAYERS]; new KisorsoltSzamok[6]; new TimerKill[2]; new output2[128]; forward Sorsolas(); forward GPSUpdate(playerid,playerid2); // //Text Draws new Text:BOX; new Text:Welcome; new Text:text1; new Text:text2; new Text:text3; new Text:BOX2; new Text:CIVBOX; new Text:text6; new Text:text7; new Text:text8; new Text:text9; new Text:text10; new Text:HALLBOX; new Text:COPBOX; new Text:MDCBOX; new Text:text11; new Text:text13; new Text:text14; new Text:text15; new Text:text16; new Text:text17; new Text:text18; new Text:text19; new Text:text20; new Text:text21; new Text:text22; new Text:text23; new Text:CMDBOX; new Text:BUSBOX; new Text:text24; new Text:text25; new Text:text26; new Text:text27; new Text:BBOX; new Text:text35; new Text:text37; new Text:text38; new Text:text39; new Text:text40; new Text:AMMUBOX1; new Text:AMMUBOX2; new Text:text41; new Text:text42; new Text:text43; new Text:PCBOX; new Text:text44; new Text:text45; new Text:randommsg; new CSKIN[MAX_PLAYERS]; new CSKINZ[MAX_PLAYERS]; new CSKINU[MAX_PLAYERS]; new AMMUBOX[MAX_PLAYERS]; new AMMU[MAX_PLAYERS]; new hit[MAX_PLAYERS]; new hiter[MAX_PLAYERS]; new antispam[MAX_PLAYERS]; new CHALLBOX[MAX_PLAYERS]; //--------------Taxi----------- new OnTaxiAsPassenger[MAX_PLAYERS]; new CostoDelViaje[MAX_PLAYERS]; new contador[MAX_PLAYERS]; new playerInJob[MAX_PLAYERS]; new avisado[MAX_PLAYERS]; new caidadefichaTimer; new cantidadPasajeros; //----------------------------- new PrisonTime[MAX_PLAYERS]; new BlowTime[MAX_PLAYERS]; new IsPlayerLogged[MAX_PLAYERS]; new BankRecentlyUsed[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RentedACarRecently[MAX_PLAYERS]; new InsideBar[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Working[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobDildo[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobHall[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobRental[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobBank[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobBinco[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobZip[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobUrban[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobAmmu[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobAmmu2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobAmmu3[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobAmmu4[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobAmmu5[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobDrugs[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobD4[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RobCa[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayersOnline = 0; new stunned[MAX_PLAYERS]; new tazetime[MAX_PLAYERS]; new currentcheckpoint[MAX_PLAYERS]; new InBusMission[MAX_PLAYERS]; new RandomMessages[][] = { "~p~ Remember To ~g~ Read~p~ The ~g~Rules!.", "~p~ Why Not Visit Our Forum?: ~b~", "~p~ /cmds To See Our Commands!", "~p~ Request Your Own Skin At Forum!~b~", "~p~ Its There Admin Messing With You Go to~r~ Forum!!" // You can define more messages, but make sure you have , everywhere, except at the last message }; |