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INSERT INTO R7? - Printable Version

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INSERT INTO R7? - Ranama - 24.06.2012

(I'm using MySQL Plugin R7)
I've been trying to make a register system, so I've made this to save a new player:
(this is just the query and query call)
format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO playerinfo (name, password, age, sex, date) VALUES ('%s',SHA1('%s'),%i,%b,'%s')", pname, passwordstring, playerinfo[playerid][age], playerinfo[playerid][sex], date);
    mysql_function_query(dbHandle, query,false,"","");
And It never wants to insert a player in the database?
Someone know why?
I'm very thankful for all answers!
(I've made all things to input have a value so it's not that.)

Re: INSERT INTO R7? - Ranama - 24.06.2012

Fixed it with OnQueryError ^^ It showed to be just me spelling one of the table rows invalid xD
(remember always check that the query names are equal to the database ones ^^ and OnQueryError can be a big help)