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[FilterScript] Tunning Filterscript[By Strech] - Printable Version

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Tunning Filterscript[By Strech] - Strech - 23.06.2012

Here's the story of the filterscript:One day i had nothing to doo,i opened pawno and then started to write this small filterscript.Inside you can add: Goldrims[OnAllCars] Spoiler[OnMostOfTheCars] and also Exhausts[OnMostOfCars].To use them you have to bee rcon logged in to avoid admins abusing.
Screenshots: - Infernus - With FBI rancher - FBI Rancher 2

Well i don't have any other words to say.I just begin scripting so if it has any problems letme know.And am yes it small script nothing big.Hope you like and enjoy the new goldrims.

[Command List: /agrims /aspoiler /aexhaust /ascoop!]

Click to Download

Re: Tunning Filterscript[By Strech] - Smokkr - 23.06.2012

Thats good man !

Re: Tunning Filterscript[By Strech] - levski9620 - 23.06.2012

Good Job Bro Good Job

Re: Tunning Filterscript[By Strech] - DeadMausGta - 23.06.2012

Looks Great If gone use it 9,5/10

Re: Tunning Filterscript[By Strech] - nepstep - 23.06.2012

Pretty nice actually, i love gold and specially rims
Thank you!

Re: Tunning Filterscript[By Strech] - Mutilate - 23.06.2012

Really Nice.I will use it at my server

Re: Tunning Filterscript[By Strech] - Pesho - 24.06.2012

Very Nice Filterscript.I will use it for my new server.