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Help with the Conditions - Printable Version

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Help with the Conditions - Saw® - 22.06.2012

Hi , i have in my Gamemode like

pawn Код:
if ((weaponid.....) && (gTeam..8))
//my stuff here
if ((weaponid.....) && (gTeam...9))
//my stuff here
if ((weaponid.....) && (gTeam...10))
//my stuff here
it is just an example , well , it is correct ? may i put "else if" instead of the second "if"? & whene can i use "else if" and "if" ?
Thank you .

Re: Help with the Conditions - .Wicked - 22.06.2012

May I ask? What are you going to do?

Re: Help with the Conditions - iggy1 - 22.06.2012

It depend what you want to do.

Where do you put that code? And what do you want it to do?

Re: Help with the Conditions - Saw® - 22.06.2012

I put it under Public onplayerTakeDammage

@.wicked : i'm going to set dammage of players in Team 8 (-5hp) for Team 9 (-7) for Team 10 (- 10)(example)
So the used weapon for all the teams must be 0 (unarmed)(for issuerid of course)
NB: i want to set for each team his privilages. (sorry for my bad english).

Re: Help with the Conditions - iggy1 - 22.06.2012

Use else if for better efficiency.

Once the condition has been reached no further else if conditions will be processed.

Whereas if you use if; all if statements will be processed.

Re: Help with the Conditions - Saw® - 22.06.2012

Thank you ! but how to know if i must use "if" or "else if" ? sorry again..

Re: Help with the Conditions - iggy1 - 22.06.2012

It depends whether you need the if statement to be processed whether a condition has been found.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    new var = 5;

    if( var == 5 )
    if( var == 10 )//this will be processed even if you have already determined that var isn't 10

    return 1;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    new var = 5;

    if( var == 5 )
        //because this is executed any following "else if" will not be processed.

    else if( var == 10 )//this will not be processed if any statement above has been executed

    return 1;
It really doesn't matter too much normally, but it's good practice to use else if where possible.

You can find out more and get a much better description than i have given in almost any programming book. Most languages have if else if statements. If you know what "else" means in English you should have a fairly good understanding of what else if does.

Re: Help with the Conditions - Saw® - 22.06.2012

Thank you eggy1 ! you helped me a lot ++rep ! i will use else if statment.