Server Crashes GTA SA, HELP PLEASE! -
carz0159 - 20.06.2012
For some reason, my server started crashing after i put in a filterscript, so i took it out, and it still crashes...
PHP код:
[21:12:44] =======================================
[21:12:44] | |
[21:12:44] | update server (response was 003). |
[21:12:44] | Error: Could not connect to YSI |
[21:12:44] | |
[21:12:44] =======================================
[21:12:16] [part] Michael_Meadow has left the server (0:0)
[21:12:16] Unloading Michael_Meadow's vehicles.
[21:10:26] Loading all vehicles mods.
[21:10:26] Loading Michael_Meadow's vehicles.
[21:10:26] Michael_Meadow has logged in.
[21:10:15] [join] Michael_Meadow has joined the server (0:
[21:10:15] Incoming connection:
[21:09:50] [WWRPFIREWORKS]: FireWorkInfo has succesfully loaded
[21:09:47] Number of vehicle models: 102
[21:09:47] -------------------------------------------
[21:09:47] Welcome to Executive Roleplay
[21:09:47] Loading...
[21:09:47] -------------------------------------------
[21:09:47] [script] OBJECT LIMIT: 1000 (Static, non-streamed) | OBJECT COUNT: 8689
[21:09:47] [script] PICKUP LIMIT: 4096 (Static, non-streamed) | PICKUP COUNT: 1445
[21:09:47] [script] 3DTEXTDRAW LIMIT: 1024 (Static, non-streamed) | 3DTEXTDRAW COUNT: 1632
[21:09:47] testhere.
[21:09:47] t4444est.
[21:09:36] 1222222222222222.
[21:09:36] 22247.
[21:09:35] test111222.
[21:09:35] test11.
[21:09:35] test111.
[21:09:35] test1.
[21:09:35] test.
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 10 loaded
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 9 loaded
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 8 loaded
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 7 loaded
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 6 loaded
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 5 loaded
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 4 loaded
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 3 loaded
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 2 loaded
[21:09:35] Paintball Arena 1 loaded
[21:09:35] test.
[21:09:35] Gamemode started.
[21:09:35] Gamemode started.
[21:09:35] Gamemode started.
[21:09:35] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 9999
[21:09:35] =======================================
[21:09:35] | |
[21:09:35] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[21:09:35] | |
[21:09:35] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[21:09:35] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[21:09:35] | |
[21:09:35] =======================================
[21:09:35] Loaded 6 filterscripts.
[21:09:35] *************************
[21:09:35] By [ZFM]Zuc
[21:09:35] Advanced Admin Island
[21:09:35] Loading filterscript 'Z_AdminIsland.amx'...
[21:09:35] Kolowy licznik predkosci zaladowany
[21:09:35] Loading filterscript 'speedometer.amx'...
[21:09:35] --------------------------------------
[21:09:35] WWRP Admin Fireworks
[21:09:35] Loading filterscript 'firework.amx'...
[21:09:35] Loading filterscript 'animwwrp.amx'...
[21:09:35] Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'...
[21:09:35] Loading filterscript 'xmas.amx'...
[21:09:35] ---------------
[21:09:35] Filterscripts
[21:09:35] Loaded 3 plugins.
[21:09:35] Loaded.
[21:09:35] ===============================
[21:09:35] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[21:09:35] (c) 2009 Alex "******" Cole
[21:09:35] sscanf plugin loaded.
[21:09:35] ===============================
[21:09:35] Loading plugin:
[21:09:35] Loaded.
*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 R2 by Incognito loaded ***
[21:09:35] Loading plugin:
[21:09:35] Loaded.
*** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded ***
[21:09:35] Loading plugin:
[21:09:35] --------------
[21:09:35] Server Plugins
[21:09:35] password = "" (string)
v0.3e, (C)2005-2012 SA-MP Team
SA-MP Dedicated Server
Can anyone help me? I tried taking the map out and the same thing happens. It still crashed GTA. I also updated the server and the sscanf plugin. but still the same problem.
Re: Server Crashes GTA SA, HELP PLEASE! -
Smithy - 20.06.2012
May it be this?
21:09:47] [script] OBJECT
LIMIT: 1000 (Static, non-streamed) | OBJECT
COUNT: 8689
[21:09:47] [script] PICKUP LIMIT: 4096 (Static, non-streamed) | PICKUP COUNT: 1445
[21:09:47] [script] 3DTEXTDRAW LIMIT: 1024 (Static, non-streamed) | 3DTEXTDRAW COUNT: 1632
Re: Server Crashes GTA SA, HELP PLEASE! -
se7evolution - 20.06.2012
pawn Код:
[21:09:47] [script] OBJECT LIMIT: 1000 (Static, non-streamed) | OBJECT COUNT: 8689
[21:09:47] [script] PICKUP LIMIT: 4096 (Static, non-streamed) | PICKUP COUNT: 1445
[21:09:47] [script] 3DTEXTDRAW LIMIT: 1024 (Static, non-streamed) | 3DTEXTDRAW COUNT: 1632
I think its because you have to much
pawn Код:
CreateObject(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //this is just a demo
You should use Streamer, I just saw you have streamer on your script so what about using it.
To you use it you can convert Createobjects to CreateDynamicObjects.
pawn Код:
include <streamer> //add this at the upper of the script
CreateDynamicObject(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // This is a demo of a CreateObject but for Streamer
Than it should fix the
pawn Код:
[21:09:47] [script] OBJECT LIMIT: 1000 (Static, non-streamed) | OBJECT COUNT: 8689
[21:09:47] [script] PICKUP LIMIT: 4096 (Static, non-streamed) | PICKUP COUNT: 1445
[21:09:47] [script] 3DTEXTDRAW LIMIT: 1024 (Static, non-streamed) | 3DTEXTDRAW COUNT: 1632
Re: Server Crashes GTA SA, HELP PLEASE! -
carz0159 - 20.06.2012
Alright thanks, but i fixed the problem, i just put all the files in again through the ftp and it works...