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Dealership - Printable Version

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Dealership - RyanPetersons - 20.06.2012

Hey, I'm loading the Dynamic Dealership System, I added SII include in it, and also made the folders of it in Scriptfiles
but, It doesn't works on volt host do you know why is it so?

Re: Dealership - SnG.Scot_MisCuDI - 26.06.2012

Originally Posted by LaGrande
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COZ it is COPIED, and u dont OWN it
You must be stupid.

Originally Posted by RyanPetersons
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Hey, I'm loading the Dynamic Dealership System, I added SII include in it, and also made the folders of it in Scriptfiles
but, It doesn't works on volt host do you know why is it so?
Open the script in pawno and recompile it and make sure all the includes + plugins are up to date
Also what isnt working? Wont load? No commands? Make it clear