Respawn created cars - Printable Version
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Respawn created cars -
denNorske - 19.06.2012
Hello everyone!
I am using LuxAdmin at the moment, and i'm having problems to respawn all cars on my server, so it is building up loads of cars on my server.
The cars i cant respawn, are cars that the player is put in when he teleports to (f.ex.) /mderby. The /mderby command are scripted to put player in a Monstertruck when he teleports there.
Then, when the player exit the car again / he dies / he teleports somewhere else, he leave the Monstertruck at its place, and it wont "destroy" itself.
What do i need to add to my teleport (in the script) to make it destroy the vehicle?
Because when i use the default LuxAdmin /respawncars all the monstertrucks which is created on my teleport, warp together again, and flies in all directions. the monstertrucks doesnt dissappear like other vehicles created by the player.
Any hope?
Re: Respawn created cars -
zombieking - 19.06.2012
pawn Код:
CreateVehicle(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay)
respawn_delay [in seconds] - If you want it to respawn , you shouldn't set it to 0 or a high value like 9999999999, I would recommend 5 minutes , which would be 300 seconds.