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How to attach text to a vehicle [Image Included] - Printable Version

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How to attach text to a vehicle [Image Included] - Abreezy - 19.06.2012

Alright i've seen this on two servers already, I asked how to do it last time but I don't think people understood.

How could I do something like this:

You see on the side the text is "POLICE" how could I add text to vehicles using the new 0.3E features? Thanks in advance.

Re: How to attach text to a vehicle [Image Included] - ReneG - 19.06.2012

AttachObjectToVehicle with SetObjectMaterialText

It's all a matter of getting the co-ords.

Re: How to attach text to a vehicle [Image Included] - Abreezy - 19.06.2012

Hmm. Seems simpler then I thought. What would the best option to get the coords? Or should I just guess around lmao.

Re: How to attach text to a vehicle [Image Included] - ReneG - 19.06.2012

Maybe make your own little editor using EditObject. If not, then guess. I haven't spent my time tinkering with 0.3e functions yet.

Re: How to attach text to a vehicle [Image Included] - HuSs3n - 19.06.2012

There is an AttachObjectToVehicle Editor
search "IVO" in filterscripts forum

Re: How to attach text to a vehicle [Image Included] - calin1996 - 19.06.2012

A little code please? i cant create the object with text and material...