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[Need Suggestions] for my Fort Carson Death Attack Server - Printable Version

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[Need Suggestions] for my Fort Carson Death Attack Server - Saw® - 16.06.2012

Hi , i'm scripting in a big project titled Forct Carson Death Attack Server [FCDA] , so there is 6 Teams,
it is a basic TDM server witch we must earn money & score to join other exelent teams with the best privilages .

So the sixth one , is for Vip only , my request is simple:

- Can you please, give me some suggestions about the sixth team? (the vips class), what they should have to force player to join it , & what abilities....

Thank you ,

NB: Sorry for my bad English .
& you can also if you want give suggestions for other teams.

Regards , Saw®

Re: [Need Suggestions] for my Fort Carson Death Attack Server - Jansish - 16.06.2012

VIP? From donations? Basically a pay to win class? No thanks.

Re: [Need Suggestions] for my Fort Carson Death Attack Server - Saw® - 16.06.2012

No There is no donation , only 10 vips will be chosen by the Owner that's all ...then they can enjoy this class called (The Monsters).
NB: Thank you for your repply..