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What is that? - Printable Version

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What is that? - Nightmare[TR] - 16.06.2012

Hi friends,i noticed something that very weird. After player disconnects game,a function saves his datas.One row is like this:
pawn Код:
And the function is this:
pawn Код:
FUNCTION SetMemberInfoInt(username[], statname[], value)
    new query[128];
    format(query,128,"UPDATE members SET %s='%i' WHERE member_name='%s'",statname,value,username);
    return 1;

But,what is that?Query goes like this:
pawn Код:
UPDATE members SET adminlevel='0' WHERE member_name='Snakeman'
Note: PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] is 5

Re: What is that? - Nightmare[TR] - 16.06.2012


Re: What is that? - Audi_Quattrix - 16.06.2012

Im not Pro but i would say it Saves ur level

Re: What is that? - Dodo9655 - 16.06.2012

What is basically does, it saves your level according to your name, in the mySQL database

Re: What is that? - Nightmare[TR] - 17.06.2012

My level is 5,it saves 0 to the database.Why :S Everything is cool,i checked 1000 times :S