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City or County? - iProdigy - 13.06.2012


I'm in the process of creating a new server and I'm in need of some opinions. I've always wanted to open a server in the County. (Bone County, Red County, etc.) The problem is that I've only seen one successful County server that has succeeded. I feel that Los Santos is the primary location in too many servers. What is your opinion?

PS: This isn't about San Fierro, Las Venturas, etc. It is between the County and Los Santos.

Re: City or County? - tiernantheman - 13.06.2012

Flint County is a nice place you can include Angel Pine in that.

Re: City or County? - Pizzy - 13.06.2012

County is best, to be honest. (If you make it fun and not boring, like most others - i'm sure it will be good.)

Re: City or County? - Nicholas. - 13.06.2012

Why not both.

Re: City or County? - kaisersouse - 14.06.2012

Even the countriest of bumpkins journey into the city from time to time (Walmart) so like Nicholas said...why not both?

Re: City or County? - iRage - 14.06.2012

Maybe make something that starts in a county and moves to the city as you get richer.

Re: City or County? - ReneG - 14.06.2012

The whole golden area of the San Andreas map is Los Santos, its surrounding area, and San Fierro. This is probably just me, but Las Venturas gets a little too boring.

Re: City or County? - Emmet_ - 14.06.2012

Originally Posted by VincentDunn
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Las Venturas gets a little too boring.
I have to admit, the surroundings of LV are a bit deserted and boring..

But you should cruise around the LV strip during server night time. It's fucking awesome!

Re: City or County? - vassilis - 14.06.2012

Why don't you try to make a story line?
You are starting as a poor guy on county..and then you are moving to Los Santos or firstly to San Fierro and then to Los Santos or something like that.

Re: City or County? - Audiophr3ak - 14.06.2012

You are loosing too much GTA features while making a county-based world, however this game is mostly about rising to the top in a big city - Los Santos.