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Mapping Related - Printable Version

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Mapping Related - vassilis - 11.06.2012

Hey guys well firstly please don't tell me that it is sa:mp and not mta forums but i have a big problem related to mapping.

Firstly i can't use sa:mp map editor because my pc totally suck and it can't load the objects i tried all the ways and didn't really work.
So i chose the second way and putted 0.3e objects to mta and mapped very well. Everything was going well until i converted them . When i putted them in-game(sa:mp) instead of 0.3e walls it spawned huge roads.. :S
Is there anyway i could fix this?
P.S: I know that this is not mta but it was the only map editor i can use .

Re: Mapping Related - ReneG - 12.06.2012

You'll hardly get support here for that.

If I were you, I'd just completely uninstall MTA from your computer. Then re-install the latest version and see where that gets you.

Re: Mapping Related - vassilis - 12.06.2012

pff damn..i spent lot days i n making it :/ .

Re: Mapping Related - CrazyChoco - 12.06.2012

then save them?