[QUESTION] pm message -
royriky123 - 09.06.2012
I got some questions:
How make an PM system that players it can disable and enable.
But when an player for the first time connect it is enabled. When an player it disabled, and later connect he got a message : You are ignore all PMs /epms for enable it.
And how add an sound when an player get an PM by another player.
And under your screen you will see:
PM by id: 83
83 is an example, the PM system know the player ID and will show it
Hope you all can help me thanks!
Re: [QUESTION] pm message -
mickos - 09.06.2012
Hmm cool ideaa!
Re: [QUESTION] pm message -
Hardcore TDM - 09.06.2012
very nice i will make this.
Re: [QUESTION] pm message -
royriky123 - 09.06.2012
For me ;o man thank you man you are my hero man thx!
Re : [QUESTION] pm message -
ricardo178 - 09.06.2012
Lol.. He didn't say he will make it for you.
By the way some hints:
Create a variable on player saving file for PM.
Set it to 1 when player resgisters. When he use the command to disable, set that variable to 0.
On login, load it and if it is 0, send the message.
When player tries to PM the player id, check if ID variable is 0 or 1, and allow or not the PM.
Use PlayerPlaySound for the sound.
Re: [QUESTION] pm message -
royriky123 - 09.06.2012
what for variable & how saved it?
Re : [QUESTION] pm message -
ricardo178 - 09.06.2012
With it i mean adding this in your saving system.. You should know the basics of Pawn before making this.
Re: [QUESTION] pm message -
mickos - 09.06.2012
I wanna make it to, Its hard to make it ( the GameTextForPlayer )
[EDIT] It isnt
Its just:
PM by (ID:%d)
Re : Re: [QUESTION] pm message -
ricardo178 - 09.06.2012
Originally Posted by BEER-samp
I wanna make it to, Its hard to make it ( the GameTextForPlayer )
That's probably the easier...
Re: [QUESTION] pm message -
mickos - 09.06.2012
Yea I got edit it, The gametextforplayer is very easy, i think the easy of all the script.