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Help!!! - the_zohan - 06.06.2012

Ok my gamemode has about 1000-1500 createobjects but all of them dont stream and i have to delte some objects from gamemode then all of them stream so is there any way that all of them stream?

Re: Help!!! - JaKe Elite - 06.06.2012

use Streamer.

Re: Help!!! - Stereotype - 06.06.2012

Do you really need that deleted objects?

Re: Help!!! - the_zohan - 06.06.2012

ofc i need them so which streamer i should use? midostream is already tested which does not have good textdraw

Re: Help!!! - HuSs3n - 06.06.2012

Re: Help!!! - JaKe Elite - 06.06.2012

use Incognito's Streamer

Re: Help!!! - the_zohan - 06.06.2012

i added it(incogitos) but it gives 1000 errors like tag mismatch , bla bla bla

Re: Help!!! - Kindred - 06.06.2012

Did you actually add the #include <streamer> thing at the top of the script, and actually change all of your createobject's to createdynamicobject?

Re: Help!!! - the_zohan - 06.06.2012

i did and i converted at and works great yahhooo
solved thnx guys gave u rep+ for suggesting incogisto's

Re: Help!!! - Sandiel - 06.06.2012

Next time, choose a descriptive title like: object issue.
not "HELP!!"