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How do I map tunnels? - Printable Version

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How do I map tunnels? - aaronwelsh - 04.06.2012

I've been making a Stunt/DM server but I don't know how to add these kind of tunnels;

(I got this map of the forums btw)
I'm new to mapping so I assumed that I would find it in MTA but didn't find it. Does anyone know which mapping program I can find these objects in? it would help a lot.
Also, I've seen a lot of servers with different colored ones, how's this done?

Re: How do I map tunnels? - Roperr - 04.06.2012

I guess you should use Jernej's map editor.

Re: How do I map tunnels? - aaronwelsh - 04.06.2012

Thanks. I have tried to use this before but couldn't figure out how to add objects, only how to move/delete objects.
If possible, could you refer me to a tutorial ?

Re: How do I map tunnels? - Roperr - 04.06.2012

Originally Posted by aaronwelsh
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Thanks. I have tried to use this before but couldn't figure out how to add objects, only how to move/delete objects.
If possible, could you refer me to a tutorial ?
I'm not even sure how to do this myself. I've only use the map editor for fixing minor problems and removing static buildings from the game.

I'll try to find a tutorial and edit this post if I do find one.

EDIT: I guess this could be of help:

Re: How do I map tunnels? - aaronwelsh - 04.06.2012

Thanks a lot for any help man

Re: How do I map tunnels? - Roperr - 04.06.2012

Originally Posted by aaronwelsh
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Thanks a lot for any help man
No problem, enjoy

Re: How do I map tunnels? - aaronwelsh - 04.06.2012

Found the object. Now just to find out how to color it!

Re: How do I map tunnels? - Roperr - 04.06.2012

Originally Posted by aaronwelsh
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Found the object. Now just to find out how to color it!

I haven't got to the part of coloring objects yet