[Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
WackoX - 02.06.2012
Some people might have problems with GTA such as; lag, ugly objects, ugly/misplaced colors, holes in objects, and much more.
Often these problems turn out to be a driver-related issue, so in this topic i will show you how to update your videocard drivers very easy.
REMEMBER: The pictures in this post are from my point of view, it doesn't mean you have to do exectly the same as i have it.
Step #1 - Identifying your videocard.
There are multiple ways to do this, a very handy program i find in "GPU-Z".
Download GPU-Z here:
http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads...PU-Z.0.6.2.exe (select a download server).
Once you've downloaded GPU-Z, open it and you will see something like this:
[The 'name' field is ofcourse your videocards brand and model]
Step #2 - Downloading the drivers.
There are multiple brands of videocards, so there are also multiple download pages.
Remember the 'name' field from Step #1? well, select the brand and website that fit's with you:
ATI or AMD -
Intel -
nVidia -
Since we cannot discuss all different download pages, i'm going to demonstrate you only one right now.
At your download page, select the right line in every block, then click continue.
You can't find your videocard in there? try the 'search' box at that website, they all have it.
Step #3 - Install & Restart.
I hope you all know how to install a simple program, just launch the file you just downloaded and let it install.
After you're done, restart your computer, don't forget it because it's very important.
Step #4 - Finishing.
You're almost done! make sure ofcourse you've set the highest supported resolution for your monitor:
Now, open up GTA San Andreas, this can be in Singleplayer or Multiplayer it doesn't matter.
Go to 'Options' >> 'Display Setup' >> 'Advanced'.
Select 'Resolution' and use the left/right arrow keys, select the highest possible resolution, and make sure it ends with 'x 32'. NOT 16!
ALSO: Remember to press ENTER after you've selected the right resolution, your screen will go black for a second.
You're done.
You're now done!
Hopefully everything went already and you can now play games with more fun.
Do you have any questions? please post below so i and others can help you.
If there are any mods watching this, if you like it it would be very handy if this topic got stickied, since a lot of players have driver-related issues and it would reduce the amount of posts on this forum.
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
Niko_boy - 02.06.2012
well high resolution effects FPS >.> i am much concerned for FPS though
Anyways nice tut
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
Sylumz - 02.06.2012
Very nice tutorial. Rep'd!
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
rbN. - 03.06.2012
I'm pretty sure NVIDIA and AMD both got an update checker (both on internet & program, as far as I can remember).
Steam also provides an update checker for your drivers.
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
dino_d_carter - 04.06.2012
Nice and thx =)
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
ikey07 - 04.06.2012
60% of samp players play with 16 bits, I guess this is good tutorial.
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
Source - 04.06.2012
I use 1024 x 1768 to keep my FPS decent, but nice tutorial.
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
SDraw - 05.06.2012
Good tutorial
P.s. But it isn't for me :P
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. - kikito - 05.06.2012
Originally Posted by RobinOwnz
I'm pretty sure NVIDIA and AMD both got an update checker (both on internet & program, as far as I can remember).
Steam also provides an update checker for your drivers.
and for what i know, nvidia support linux, AMD not (main drivers)
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
3ventic - 06.06.2012
http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Scan.aspx?lang=en-us and
http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownloa...to_detect.aspx are easier and faster than downloading GPU-Z to check what GPU you have.
Re: [Tutorial] Updating your videocard drivers. -
WackoX - 21.06.2012
Originally Posted by 3ventic
I know, but these don't always work, so this is the best way to do.
For example i have a laptop here with an ATI videocard, the auto-detect software can't find the drivers for it.