[00:49:30] No: 0 Mod:411 2716.795898 -1483.210571 30.131399 251.607299 -1 -1 [00:49:30] No: 1 Mod:455 2716.795898 -1483.210571 30.131399 251.607299 -1 -1 [00:49:30] No: 2 Mod:404 1629.891723 -1743.112060 13.287796 141.126098 -1 -1 [00:49:30] Number of vehicle models: 3 [00:49:50] Incoming connection: [00:49:50] [join] oshino_shinobu has joined the server (0: [00:49:51] [00:49:51] [00:50:12] No: 1 Mod:455 2716.795898 -1483.210571 30.131399 251.607299 -1 -1 [00:50:15] [part] S_v has left the server (0:1)
forward SaveCarCoords(); public SaveCarCoords() { new idx; idx = GetPlayerVehicleID; new File: file2; while (idx <= 2) { new coordsstring[256]; format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%d,%d\n\r", CarInfo[idx][cModel], CarInfo[idx][cLocationx], CarInfo[idx][cLocationy], CarInfo[idx][cLocationz], CarInfo[idx][cAngle], CarInfo[idx][cColorOne], CarInfo[idx][cColorTwo]); if(idx == 0) { file2 = fopen("cars.cfg", io_write); } else { file2 = fopen("cars.cfg", io_append); } fwrite(file2, coordsstring); printf(" 编号: %d 模型:%d %f %f %f %f %d %d ",idx,CarInfo[idx][cModel],CarInfo[idx][cLocationx],CarInfo[idx][cLocationy],CarInfo[idx][cLocationz],CarInfo[idx][cAngle],CarInfo[idx][cColorOne],CarInfo[idx][cColorTwo]); idx++; fclose(file2); } return 1; }
idx = GetPlayerVehicleID;
public SaveCarCoords()
for (new i = 1; i<MAX_VEHICLES; i++)//set a variable equal to 1 (first vehicle id) and loop it through max vehicles
if(GetVehicleModel(i)!=0) //GetVehicleModel returns 0 if the vehicle doesn't exist
//save the car to the file
return 1;
You will need to loop through all of the vehicles (using a for() loop):
pawn Код: