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[FilterScript] [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - Printable Version

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[FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - WrathOfGenesis - 16.04.2008

[FS] Easy to use admin script
Ok, so i'm going to be honest with you. It's not the biggest admin script in the world but ask yourself, Do you realy need all of those commands in some of the larger scripts? Im sure that most people dont use all of the commands and so i felt that i should create a new admin script that includes only the commands that a server owner would realy require.

This script is designed for people who dont want to use a large admin script on their server when they only use a few commands, the commands here are all that a server owner realy needs.
This current version of the script has the following 13 commands:

/report [playerid] [reason]
/givemoney [playerid] [ammount]
/goto [playerid]
/get [playerid]
/an [time (seconds)] [message]
/freeze [playerid]
/mute [playerid]
/unfreeze [playerid]
/unmute [playerid]
/kick [playerid] [reason (optional)]
/ban [playerid] [reason (optional)]
/name [playerid] [new name]

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Please feel free to post comments, critisism and sugestions for next version.

Kind regards,

WrathOfGenesis ( FUDDS )

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - aabye - 16.04.2008

Wow. This is really really nice I might use it.. ( Or not ) lol xD

Great to see you again here FUDDS :P

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - WrathOfGenesis - 16.04.2008

Cheers Aabye, glad you liked it.

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - Rks25 - 16.04.2008

This is nice

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - ettans - 16.04.2008

Very nice. I really don't see a point in those 50+ commands admin scripts. Good job.

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - WrathOfGenesis - 16.04.2008

Thanks for the feedback, Its apreciated.

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - [KaE]Cartman - 16.04.2008

nice man!

good work!

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - weedarr - 16.04.2008

Hmm i like this, fine and simple. I dont see the point in commands like /rape [playerid] [toy] etc. I think all the commands i need are
ban, kick, freeze, unfreeze, mute, unmute, report, goto, ann, getinfo

Fine nd simple


Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - WrathOfGenesis - 16.04.2008

What would the /getinfo do?

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - weedarr - 16.04.2008

/getinfo [playerid]

Returns something like

Name: weedarr
Id: 0
Cash: 1337
Weapon: minigun
Score: 69

and whatever other info you can gather on the player.


Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - WrathOfGenesis - 16.04.2008

Sounds cool, is it ok if i use that idea in the next version?

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - weedarr - 16.04.2008

Sure, i think nearly every admin script has it or its equivilant.


Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - ghost_psp - 25.04.2008

How do I get this to work I am a noob and i want to use this on my server but dont know how.

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - MPKaboose - 25.04.2008

Nice do you whant a mirror?

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - ThePro - 25.04.2008

Originally Posted by ghost_psp
How do I get this to work I am a noob and i want to use this on my server but dont know how.
well i can help you i will pm you and tell you where to put all

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - [HiC]TheKiller - 25.04.2008

Originally Posted by WrathOfGenesis
[FS] Easy to use admin script
Ok, so i'm going to be honest with you. It's not the biggest admin script in the world but ask yourself, Do you realy need all of those commands in some of the larger scripts? Im sure that most people dont use all of the commands and so i felt that i should create a new admin script that includes only the commands that a server owner would realy require.

This script is designed for people who dont want to use a large admin script on their server when they only use a few commands, the commands here are all that a server owner realy needs.
This current version of the script has the following 13 commands:

/report [playerid] [reason]
/givemoney [playerid] [ammount]
/goto [playerid]
/get [playerid]
/an [time (seconds)] [message]
/freeze [playerid]
/mute [playerid]
/unfreeze [playerid]
/unmute [playerid]
/kick [playerid] [reason (optional)]
/ban [playerid] [reason (optional)]
/name [playerid] [new name]

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Please feel free to post comments, critisism and sugestions for next version.

Kind regards,

WrathOfGenesis ( FUDDS )
Very nice .

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - ThePro - 25.04.2008

do you have to quote?

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - MPKaboose - 26.04.2008

There are lots of warnings could you fix it for users who dont know how to script

PS: i fixed it and if you whant i can give you a mirror

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - DePausBroer - 26.04.2008

Good script!

Re: [FS] Easy to use admin script = 13 commands = - beggsz - 26.04.2008

Where in my gamemode script do i insert this?