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Need Scripters - Josh_Main - 29.05.2012

My server is in progress and up and running at the moment but im having alot of problems with scripting in pawno. If anyone would like to help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Im planning on not paying, but giving a position out in our community team. If i like your work and its good, im thinking about paying . P.s Its a roleplay server.
Add me on ********, (Josh Main) or email me at


Re: Need Scripters - Ballu Miaa - 29.05.2012

Is this you? Add me on FB: www.********.com/MCeeCharC. I work for only money.

Re: Need Scripters - Josh_Main - 29.05.2012

I cant check if its me cause im at school at the moment and its blocked haha, but ill check in 15 mins when i get home. Is there anyway i can send you money using onebip or something? How much do you charge to add in certain scripts and commands? Also, do you teach how to script, cause i need alot of help with it

Re: Need Scripters - Ballu Miaa - 29.05.2012


1. Add me on FB or Skype: BalluMiaa
2. OneBip, They dont support my Country that is India.
3. I take payments via paypal. Half payment of the amount will be in advance.
4. It depends upon what you want me to script. game mode or what?
5. Yes i do give scripting lessons also on Skype. Voice Lesson - 20$ an hour , Text Lesson - 13$ an hour.

Re: Need Scripters - pasha97 - 29.05.2012

I can help for free!

My skype is pasha.97.97

Re: Need Scripters - SSJ - 23.03.2013

Pasha Bro can u give me Your '********' ID