samp server Bandwidth usage -
Unknownich - 27.05.2012
Hi guys,
I have a server with 25 average players hosted on VPS.The problem is that I have only 300 GB of bandwidth. I thought I will have 5 - 10 average players but I was wrong. Now Im not sure if 500 GB will be enough for 60 slots server with avg. 25-30 player count. Or maybe I should get 1 TB and higher?
Re: samp server Bandwidth usage -
milanosie - 27.05.2012
log your bandwide usage for one week, then make conclusions,
Re: samp server Bandwidth usage -
Unknownich - 27.05.2012
Originally Posted by milanosie
log your bandwide usage for one week, then make conclusions,
I already did, but is hard to say because server was ddosed 1 day for few hours and bandwidth usage was high. There are ppl hosting their servers on VPS or dedi. so they probably know how much is enough, thats why Im asking. I dont wanna pay for more then 1tb if I need maybe only 500gb
Re: samp server Bandwidth usage -
ikey07 - 27.05.2012
I also use VPS, my server avarage players is around 60, I have audio plugin with mp3s sound effects stored on the VPS, I have 750GB bandwith, I host 3 forums, and in 1 month I dont even reach 150 GBs
Re: samp server Bandwidth usage -
Unknownich - 27.05.2012
Originally Posted by ikey07
I also use VPS, my server avarage players is around 60, I have audio plugin with mp3s sound effects stored on the VPS, I have 750GB bandwith, I host 3 forums, and in 1 month I dont even reach 150 GBs
This is why Im asking, I had almost 150 gb usage just last few days. If is not ddos attack then something is wrong with my script.
Re: samp server Bandwidth usage -
Jeroen52 - 27.05.2012
Originally Posted by ikey07
I also use VPS, my server avarage players is around 60, I have audio plugin with mp3s sound effects stored on the VPS, I have 750GB bandwith, I host 3 forums, and in 1 month I dont even reach 150 GBs
I host a server with average of 10-20 players a lot of MP3's streaming, also a live radio on the server itself, up to 10 TeamSpeak 3 Servers with a max of 512 slots over the whole VPS, a forum, and some other things I forgot, I have 1.5 TB Bandwidth, 100 GB HDD, 512 MB Dedicated RAM, 1024 MB Burstable RAM (for $8,95) and I use barely 10% of the Bandwidth, <20% HDD and ~50% Dedicated RAM.
Edit: Of course I have added ~1 GB Ram, but the principle.
Re: samp server Bandwidth usage -
Memoryz - 27.05.2012
There are some VPS Providers that can give you 1TB of monthly usage, however they are consider "Budget" ones I guess. Check out
Re: samp server Bandwidth usage -
Jeroen52 - 27.05.2012
Originally Posted by Memoryz
There are some VPS Providers that can give you 1TB of monthly usage, however they are consider "Budget" ones I guess. Check out
I use Semoweb for a long time and am satisfied, no need to advertise your favorite VPS Provider here, he did not ask for one.
Re: samp server Bandwidth usage -
Calgon - 27.05.2012
Those specs should be more than you need for now, unless you get DDoS attacked frequently.
Re: samp server Bandwidth usage -
Unknownich - 27.05.2012
Originally Posted by Calgon
Those specs should be more than you need for now, unless you get DDoS attacked frequently.
Thats what I thought, but Bandwidth usage is still very high. Im not sure but maybe something in the script cause this.