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I need your votes, again :o3 - Printable Version

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I need your votes, again :o3 - Mr.Hades - 26.05.2012

So I need the community again. I need your votes people!

Vote the one you fancy more!



Let the voting begin!

Re: I need your votes, again :o3 - Kitten - 26.05.2012

Second one in my opinion is better.

first one, the sky is pretty ugly.

Re: I need your votes, again :o3 - DuelZ - 26.05.2012

The 2nd !

Re: I need your votes, again :o3 - Jansish - 26.05.2012

Tbh I don't like both of them, but if I have to choose, then 2nd.

Re: I need your votes, again :o3 - IstuntmanI - 26.05.2012


Re: I need your votes, again :o3 - String - 26.05.2012

Second one.

Re: I need your votes, again :o3 - TheDominator - 26.05.2012

The second one.

Re: I need your votes, again :o3 - Pizzy - 26.05.2012

I prefer the second one.

Re: I need your votes, again :o3 - Raiden Dragneel - 26.05.2012

Originally Posted by Kitten
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Second one in my opinion is better.

first one, the sky is pretty ugly.

I choose the 2nd

Re: I need your votes, again :o3 - oNe_87 - 29.05.2012

I SUPPORT 2nd one