Hqlock. - Printable Version
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Hqlock. -
Edin Black - 24.05.2012
hell guys.
can anyone gave me a pawn for hqlock - to lock baze with text: GSF baze locked.
Re: Hqlock. -
Georgi166 - 24.05.2012
Hqlock?Explain more -_-
Re: Hqlock. -
Edin Black - 24.05.2012
hqlock is to lock your baze. grove. ballas etc
Re: Hqlock. -
Face9000 - 24.05.2012
pawn Код:
new HasSearched[MAX_PLAYERS];
if(HasSearched[playerid] == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"Hello,this is the search system,wanna search what you need or u've to post useless topics like this?");