Freeze Transport - Printable Version
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Freeze Transport -
Baks - 24.05.2012
Hello people!
How to make the players could not push the transport?
Any Code, FS or GM?
Re: Freeze Transport -
[MG]Dimi - 24.05.2012
Push the transport?
Re: Freeze Transport -
Baks - 24.05.2012
Yes, the player can push a different transport his body.
Re: Freeze Transport -
ricardo178 - 24.05.2012
I guess that no-one understands what you mean...
Explain it by other way, other words, so maybe we get it.
Re: Freeze Transport -
IceCube! - 24.05.2012
He means because of the way GTA SA is coded the player can push a car on his own with his body, meaning is there a way to stop it. NO!
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Re: Freeze Transport -
Baks - 25.05.2012
But I saw RP servers where vehicles can not be pushed. Transport frozen on their coordinates.
Re: Freeze Transport -
ReneG - 25.05.2012
Set a repeating timer that loops through the vehicles you want to keep in the same spot, and keep setting the vehicle pos.
Re: Freeze Transport -
qinaixiuor - 25.05.2012
I guess that no-one understands what you mean...
Re: Freeze Transport -
Baks - 25.05.2012
Oh God, here is a good example!
1) The car is stationary.
2) I am pushing it with my body.
3) And the result.
It is essential that the car could not be pushed.
Re: Freeze Transport -
IceCube! - 25.05.2012
In which case Vincent gave you the answer.
Re: Freeze Transport -
JaKe Elite - 25.05.2012
The above poster already tell you what to do.
Don't tell us that you want a code. go to Scripting Request Thread if you want a code.
Re: Freeze Transport -
Baks - 25.05.2012
Ok, thank you.