Volt Host -
KeithLatteri - 23.05.2012
What is a good roleplay script that works on Volt-Host. If you tell me you get a +1 Rep.
Re: Volt Host -
TheDominator - 23.05.2012
Any GM or FS script will work with Volt-Host so long as the GM or FS supports the client version you intend to use, one of the most frequent I come across has to be Raven's RP:
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=310054 or one of the more famous The Godfather RP:
Both projects have been discontinued I believe, no longer being worked on.
Re: Volt Host -
int3s0 - 23.05.2012
Any gamemode that doesn't violates Volt-Host ToS.
Look here:
Re: Volt Host -
KeithLatteri - 23.05.2012
ravens suck
Re: Volt Host -
KeithLatteri - 23.05.2012
also the godfather link doesnt work, also how would i make like a windows GM to linux? if i knew how that would work
Re: Volt Host -
TheDominator - 23.05.2012
It's all the same, you just need to download the Linux plugins which are .so and not the Windows plugins which are .dll
Re: Volt Host -
KeithLatteri - 23.05.2012
Can someone help me on team viewer? if so please do. You can contact me to get it via skype (user: latteriman45) or ts3 on Voice.WC-RP.com please help im a newbie
Re: Volt Host -
KeithLatteri - 23.05.2012
Please help
Re: Volt Host -
Raiden Dragneel - 23.05.2012
Just want to say, don't double post. Just calm down and be patient. Wait for someone else to reply. If all of the gamemode that the community has released does not pleased you, simply learn to script and do it yourself.
Re: Volt Host - Guest9328472398472 - 23.05.2012
Paste your server_logs.txt