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[Map] Sheriff Department - Printable Version

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Sheriff Department - Kevin Frankenberger - 23.05.2012

Remember: The Vehicles In This Map Are -Brown and White
I don't remember why I started mapping this - But here you go: Hope you like it
~~~~~~~~~~~~I will be coming out with a updated version of this map if you like~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~I will be coming out with another map or two this week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

CreateObject(6959, -86.599998474121, -564.70001220703, 0.5, 0, 0, 0);
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CreateObject(987, 2898.6999511719, 2259.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 89.994506835938);
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CreateObject(987, 2898.6999511719, 2223.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 89.994506835938);
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CreateObject(987, 2898.6999511719, 2199.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 89.994506835938);
CreateObject(987, 2898.6999511719, 2187.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 89.994506835938);
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CreateObject(987, 2898.6999511719, 2163.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 89.994506835938);
CreateObject(987, 2868.6999511719, 2205.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 179.99450683594);
CreateObject(8947, 2891.1999511719, 2176, 12.89999961853, 0, 0, 179.99993896484);
CreateObject(8947, 2864.3000488281, 2176, 12.89999961853, 0, 0, 179.99450683594);
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CreateObject(8613, 2875.8000488281, 2183.1999511719, 12.60000038147, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3934, 2863.6999511719, 2177, 16, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3934, 2892.5, 2177, 16, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(16563, 2868.19921875, 2272.19921875, 8.5, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(987, 2863.1999511719, 2229.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(987, 2874.8000488281, 2229.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(987, 2886.8000488281, 2229.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 0);
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CreateObject(994, 2891.8000488281, 2271.3999023438, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(994, 2876, 2271.3994140625, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3578, 2876.8999023438, 2271.1999511719, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3578, 2886.6999511719, 2271.1999511719, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3578, 2892.8999023438, 2271.1999511719, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(8947, 2886.1999511719, 2238.3000488281, 12.89999961853, 0, 0, 270);
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CreateObject(1223, 2871.6000976563, 2265.6000976563, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 269.99450683594);
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CreateObject(994, 2882.3000488281, 2258.8999023438, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(994, 2882.3000488281, 2255.6999511719, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(994, 2882.3000488281, 2255.6999511719, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 180);
CreateObject(994, 2876.1000976563, 2255.6999511719, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 179.99450683594);
CreateObject(994, 2863.3999023438, 2255.6999511719, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 179.99450683594);
CreateObject(994, 2891.8000488281, 2265.1000976563, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(994, 2891.8000488281, 2258.8999023438, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(994, 2891.8000488281, 2255.8000488281, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(7033, 2863.8000488281, 2229.6000976563, 14.300000190735, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(987, 2856.8000488281, 2253.3000488281, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 276.48901367188);
CreateObject(987, 2869.6000976563, 2217.3999023438, 9.8000001907349, 0, 0, 266);
CreateObject(3578, 2868.6000976563, 2211.3000488281, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 86.498046875);
CreateObject(3578, 2857.5, 2222.8000488281, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3578, 2857.5, 2211.6999511719, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3578, 2857.5, 2210.8000488281, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3578, 2857.5, 2230.5, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3578, 2857.5, 2236.6999511719, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3578, 2874.3999023438, 2237.3999023438, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(3578, 2862.8000488281, 2241.8999023438, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3578, 2865.3000488281, 2241.8999023438, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3578, 2870.1000976563, 2222.8000488281, 9.1999998092651, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(1428, 2869.6000976563, 2281.3999023438, 10.699999809265, 0, 0, 90);
AddStaticVehicleEx(497,2863.69921875,2176.29980469,17.20000076,0.00000000,123,123,15); //Police Maverick
AddStaticVehicleEx(497,2892.30004883,2176.30004883,17.20000076,0.00000000,123,123,15); //Police Maverick
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2894.80004883,2185.50000000,10.60000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2894.79980469,2182.00000000,10.60000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2894.79980469,2176.00000000,10.60000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2894.79980469,2179.00000000,10.60000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2894.79980469,2173.00000000,10.60000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2894.79980469,2170.00000000,10.60000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2894.79980469,2167.00000000,10.60000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2867.89941406,2185.50000000,11.10000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2867.89941406,2182.00000000,11.10000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2867.89941406,2169.00000000,11.10000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2867.89941406,2179.00000000,11.10000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2867.89941406,2175.69921875,11.10000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2867.89941406,2172.00000000,11.10000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2867.89941406,2165.89941406,11.10000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(427,2861.80004883,2202.89990234,11.10000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Enforcer
AddStaticVehicleEx(427,2861.80004883,2198.50000000,11.10000038,90.00000000,123,1,15); //Enforcer
AddStaticVehicleEx(601,2858.89990234,2191.60009766,10.80000019,180.00000000,1,1,15); //S.W.A.T. Van
AddStaticVehicleEx(490,2875.00000000,2183.50000000,11.19999981,0.00000000,123,123,15); //FBI Rancher
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2895.19921875,2226.39941406,10.60000038,270.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2895.19921875,2220.39941406,10.60000038,270.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2895.19921875,2214.39941406,10.60000038,270.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2895.19921875,2208.39941406,10.60000038,270.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2895.19921875,2202.39941406,10.60000038,270.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2895.19921875,2196.39941406,10.60000038,270.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2895.19921875,2190.39941406,10.60000038,270.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2875.29980469,2225.79980469,11.10000038,339.99938965,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2880.89941406,2225.79980469,11.10000038,339.99938965,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2886.89941406,2225.79980469,11.10000038,339.99938965,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(525,2873.59960938,2279.00000000,10.89999962,90.00000000,123,123,15); //Tow Truck
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,2860.89990234,2278.89990234,10.50000000,316.00000000,-1,-1,15); //HPV1000
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,2860.89990234,2276.10009766,10.50000000,316.00000000,-1,-1,15); //HPV1000
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,2860.89990234,2273.10009766,10.50000000,316.00000000,-1,-1,15); //HPV1000
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,2861.00000000,2270.50000000,10.50000000,316.00000000,123,123,15); //HPV1000
AddStaticVehicleEx(525,2895.10009766,2279.00000000,10.89999962,270.00000000,123,123,15); //Tow Truck
AddStaticVehicleEx(471,2872.80004883,2268.39990234,10.39999962,0.00000000,123,123,15); //Quad
AddStaticVehicleEx(471,2875.30004883,2268.39990234,10.39999962,0.00000000,123,123,15); //Quad
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2896.50000000,2242.09960938,10.60000038,0.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2892.50000000,2242.09960938,10.60000038,0.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2888.79980469,2242.09960938,10.60000038,0.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2884.50000000,2242.09960938,10.60000038,0.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2879.50000000,2242.09960938,10.60000038,0.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(468,2897.29980469,2232.79980469,10.60000038,199.99511719,123,46,15); //Sanchez
AddStaticVehicleEx(468,2893.50000000,2232.79980469,10.60000038,199.99511719,123,46,15); //Sanchez
AddStaticVehicleEx(468,2890.09960938,2232.79980469,10.60000038,199.99511719,123,6,15); //Sanchez
AddStaticVehicleEx(468,2886.89941406,2232.79980469,10.60000038,199.99511719,123,53,15); //Sanchez
AddStaticVehicleEx(468,2883.50000000,2232.79980469,10.60000038,180.00000000,123,6,15); //Sanchez
AddStaticVehicleEx(468,2880.29980469,2232.79980469,10.60000038,199.99511719,123,6,15); //Sanchez
AddStaticVehicleEx(468,2876.29980469,2232.79980469,10.60000038,199.99511719,123,3,15); //Sanchez
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2878.69921875,2268.09960938,11.10000038,0.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,2895.69921875,2268.09960938,11.10000038,0.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Ranger
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2896.19995117,2249.00000000,10.60000038,199.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2890.80004883,2249.00000000,10.60000038,198.99536133,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2884.59960938,2249.00000000,10.60000038,198.99536133,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)
AddStaticVehicleEx(598,2878.39990234,2249.00000000,10.60000038,199.00000000,123,1,15); //Police Car (LVPD)

Re: Sheriff Department - ReneG - 23.05.2012

You should map an interior for it, and release it along with this map. That'd be a very good release. Not bad btw.

Re: Sheriff Department - TheDominator - 23.05.2012

Looks nice mate, try to make it better though, add something outta the box ya' know?

Re: Sheriff Department - Rg-Gaming.Info - 23.05.2012

Very good mate, keep it up ! +rep

Re: Sheriff Department - Kevin Frankenberger - 23.05.2012

Originally Posted by Rg-Gaming.Info
View Post
Very good mate, keep it up ! +rep
Thanks alot man!
Originally Posted by TheDominator
View Post
Looks nice mate, try to make it better though, add something outta the box ya' know?
Will do - I'm making an update of this map. Thanks.
Originally Posted by VincentDunn
View Post
You should map an interior for it, and release it along with this map. That'd be a very good release. Not bad btw.
That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'll try and do that for the next update of the map, if I don't, it'll for sure be in the third update. Thanks for your suggestion

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Got a suggestion for the map?
Be sure to post it below

Re: Sheriff Department - TheDominator - 23.05.2012

Originally Posted by Kevin Frankenberger
View Post
Thanks alot man!

Will do - I'm making an update of this map. Thanks.

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'll try and do that for the next update of the map. Thanks for your suggestion
Adding interior to this map would definitely make it more appealing to others, there's a lot of people who use maps like these for their servers. If it had an interior am sure many could find this useful. By the way, you've now got your 1st reputation point

Re: Sheriff Department - Kevin Frankenberger - 23.05.2012

Originally Posted by TheDominator
View Post
Adding interior to this map would definitely make it more appealing to others, there's a lot of people who use maps like these for their servers. If it had an interior am sure many could find this useful. By the way, you've now got your 1st reputation point
I see what you mean, I'll get that mapped right away
And I know - It gave me a smile :P

Re: Sheriff Department - TheDominator - 23.05.2012

Originally Posted by Kevin Frankenberger
View Post
I see what you mean, I'll get that mapped right away
And I know - It gave me a smile :P
Well keep up the good work like this and it's only an inevitability that you will earn more

Re: Sheriff Department - Kevin Frankenberger - 24.05.2012

Originally Posted by TheDominator
View Post
Well keep up the good work like this and it's only an inevitability that you will earn more

Re: Sheriff Department - Vince - 24.05.2012

Needs some vegetation, trees or potted plants, or anything. I like it though.

Re: Sheriff Department - Kevin Frankenberger - 24.05.2012

Originally Posted by Vince
View Post
Needs some vegetation, trees or potted plants, or anything. I like it though.
Glad you like it. And I agree, it needs vegetation. I've added trees, plants, ETC. in the second version of this map

Re: Sheriff Department - lukekroll - 03.06.2012

Good Job Kevin!

~Andrew Carney~

Re: Sheriff Department - Kevin Frankenberger - 03.06.2012

Originally Posted by lukekroll
View Post
Good Job Kevin!

~Andrew Carney~
Thank you Andrew!

Re: Sheriff Department - James Norman - 03.06.2012

Nice Kevin!

Good work... Add to our server XD

Re: Sheriff Department - Genuine - 03.06.2012

Magnificent work! I'll be sure to use this for my Roleplay server, although an interior would be helpful.

Re: Sheriff Department - Kevin Frankenberger - 03.06.2012

Originally Posted by Genuine
View Post
Magnificent work! I'll be sure to use this for my Roleplay server, although an interior would be helpful.
Thank you alot, i'm glad that you like it.
Its funny, I'm currently working on an interior "Add-On" to this map

Re: Sheriff Department - Kevin Frankenberger - 26.06.2012

My GTA got corrupt so I re-installed it. Then I realised that I forgot to backup my MTA....
I had the second version of this map complete, but I don't really have the time to re-map it.
I'm sorry if you were waiting for the second version of this map. If I get time to re-map it, I will....
Again, I'm sorry if you were looking forward to the second version of this map. I guess if you want to add onto the map, you can do so. Just convert it into MTA format.

Re: Sheriff Department - lukekroll - 24.07.2012

Nice job


Re: Sheriff Department - Kevin Frankenberger - 04.08.2012

Originally Posted by lukekroll
View Post
Nice job


Re: Sheriff Department - Scott Zulkifli - 04.08.2012

GOOD job