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As I do this? help - Printable Version

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As I do this? help - TurboNanito - 22.05.2012

Hi Guys I need help with this, do not know how, if someone has the idea of ​​doing, or I have in Fs, I would appreciate

New here I am Argentine and use the translator to understand XD, so here please help, I need this script and finish my gm ...

The scenario is that someone shoots you, and jump when you give a vest, or a heart, life depends That have

Just as in the picture They See They shot me, and I a heart appears to above-the-head, Indicating That lives are falling ..

Please Help me: (Thanks

Re: As I do this? help - IceCube! - 22.05.2012

A heart attached to the player?, Or a hear pickup to spawn on the dead players body this allowing the other player to pick it up gaining health? Vice Versa with Armour.

Respuesta: As I do this? help - TurboNanito - 22.05.2012

NO me shoot , and cause damage in my and appears a heart above of my head ... indicating that me He damage as In the photo

Re: As I do this? help - IceCube! - 22.05.2012

Use OnPlayerTakeDamage, I would code this for you but I have to go now. I will come back in in 30 mins just to check if you havn't been helped. If you havn't I will reply with the code you need to make this work, sorry .

Respuesta: As I do this? help - TurboNanito - 22.05.2012

but as what I use? that I put to do to that at Damage to the player display a vest above of its head?