Hi, I'd like to say something - Printable Version
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Hi, I'd like to say something -
OwNaGe - 20.05.2012
Hi guys.. i am newbie to PAWNO (2-3 weeks) and i want to give proposal someone who have time to create something new...Something like Protesters Vs Police.. you know just like real-life

When you join it will give you to choose Protester or Police. Protesters have something like petrol bombs, flamethrowers, dildos, knifes.. etc..

It wolud be fun if all go together..
And the police has something like police stuff.. (but not heavy guns),.. Police cant shot their team and same for the Protesters. Police can always call for backup if they cant handle.
Including colors for every player.. Example.. white - not that much wanted protester, etc... and blue the police
Best map for that would be San Fierro :P
I would be really THANKFULL if someone would do that. Thanks
Feel free to comment
Re: Hi, I'd like to say something -
iGetty - 20.05.2012
Why don't you do it yourself it's easy enough?
All you have to do is follow this tutorial:
Re: Hi, I'd like to say something -
OwNaGe - 20.05.2012
it gives me this:
C:\Users\Seven\Desktop\samp server\pawno\Police.pwn(75) : error 017: undefined symbol "gPlayerClass"
C:\Users\Seven\Desktop\samp server\pawno\Police.pwn(75) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\Seven\Desktop\samp server\pawno\Police.pwn(75) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
C:\Users\Seven\Desktop\samp server\pawno\Police.pwn(75) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Seven\Desktop\samp server\pawno\Police.pwn(75) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
4 Errors.